44|Calm Before the Storm

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(Chapter 44|Calm Before the Storm)



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Life is all fun and games until your destined for greatness, a blessing or a curse, Katherine hated it. Always disappointing, never enough. But now was her time to shine, she hated Reginald Hargreeves but tonight she had to trust that he was right about her and her power and she also hated that part but there was nothing she could do. She had no time.

So instead, for some reason unbeknownst to her, she sat in a bowling alley of all places. They sat circled, with Katherine sat on the cold floor between Diego's legs.

"Look I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to prepare." Luther said.

"For what?" Diego asked, his hand gently rubbing Katherine's shoulder, keeping her calm.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther added, earning everyone's attention, and a hit from Allison.

"We may not have a choice, Allison."

"Bullshit." Diego stated. "There's always options."

"Like what?" Five said.

"I don't know, we could tell her we're sorry for treating her like shit! That's aimed at you, Luther." Katherine raised her voice.

"Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay, she could be anywhere?" Luther continued.

Klaus flicked through the paper as Katherine watched him intently, until he landed on a page that caught his eye.

"Or...here." Klaus shook the paper, leaning it forward for the other's viewing. "Look at this."

The group gathered around the paper, which consisted of a printed picture of Vanya, looking pretty smart to Katherine's understanding.

"That's right,her concert is tonight." Diego spoke up.

"Hello." Am unknown voice broke the silence as the Hargreeves siblings shot up to face the unexpected guest.

"I hate to intrude..." She started.

"Then why are you here?" Katherine snapped quickly, as Diego's hand slightly tensed up on her shoulder she calmed down slightly.

"I'm sorry." The girl said looking extremely intimidated. "M-my manager says if you're your not gonna bowl, you gotta leave. I'm sorry." She said quickly before walking away.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now