15|I'm Sorry

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(Chapter 15|I'm Sorry)


Diego Hargreeves ran straight through the doors of the academy, holding Katherine in his arms, tears streaming down his face.

"Pogo!" He shouted as he ran into the kitchen and placed Katherine down on the table.

The old monkey then came limping in, took one look at Katherine's blood stained shirt and rushed to the medical supplies. Diego sat by the table, rubbing Katherine's hand and wiping away the tears that rested on his cheeks.

Katherine lay in pain, waiting for Pogo and thinking deeply about what had happened and how she was more than partly to blame. She turned to see Diego, tears in his eyes that matched her own.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." Her voice cracked as Diego looked up at her from his seat.

"Don't blame yourself, Kat, there's nothing you could have done." He shook his head.

"I could've done more. I could have saved her." She muttered, just as Pogo entered the room once more.

"What in the world happened, Miss Katherine?" Her old friend asked, pulling out a needle and thread.

"Oh,uh, you know, just saving Klaus from psycho assassins. That reminds me, you haven't seen him, have you Pogo? He should've been back by now." Katherine said.

Pogo shook his head at the girl, rummaging through the supplies.
"I'm afraid not. Has the bullet been removed, Miss Katherine."

Katherine nodded, before turning to look at Pogo ,who was preparing the needle. The speedster reached over to the tray of medical supplies and pulling out a pair of scissors and looked toward Diego who gave her a confused and concerned look.

"This is a $300 shirt." She muttered, before taking the scissors and cutting through the shirt and carefully peeling it away from her wound and throwing the shirt to the floor, leaving her in her bra.

She looked over to the Diego whose face was bright red and was trying to not stare at the girl in her revealing attire. Her hand met Diego's with a comforting squeeze as the needle in Pogo's hand met Katherine's bleeding skin.

It took a couple of stitches before the wound was closed and Katherine could finally let out the breath she had been holding. She released Diego's hand finally, hoping that she hadn't crushed it as she sat up on the table, groaning through the pain.

"Kat, you need to lay down. You literally just got shot." Diego worried, grabbing her arm in attempt to lay her back down, before pulling away she got the embarrassment of her exposure.

"Relax. Accelerated healing, remember?" Katherine jumped off of the table just as he began to speak.

"If you're sure you're alright, I've gotta go and beat the shit out of Five and then his friends." Diego joked, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Wait, you found Five?"

"Oh, yeah, we found him in the library, drunk as a skunk." He chuckled, making Katherine smile.

"Have fun then." She smirked before muttering a quick 'thank you' to Pogo and making her way upstairs at a normal place so as to not tear her stitches.

As she opened the door to her bedroom, she was greeted by Meredith, you was laying on the floor, quite close to the door with her phone pressed against her ear.

Katherine stopped and stared at the girl in the peculiar disruption for a moment before Meredith noticed her presence and turned her head towards her.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted, removing the phone from by her ear and throwing the phone onto the bed.

"More importantly, what are you doing on the floor?" Katherine giggled, holding a hand out to pull her up.

Meredith instantly took her hand and pulled herself up before stumbling toward the bed and sitting down.

"Well, about an hour ago, I got up to use the toilet and on my way back, I fell and couldn't get up." Meredith explained, pouting with her arms folded.

The story brought a smile to Katherine's face as she burst out laughing, much to her best friend's dismay who didn't appreciate her laughing at her misfortune.

"I've been calling you for hours, Kat, where have you been?" Mer asked.

Katherine's face dropped slightly as she walked over to her bed and took a seat next to Meredith who was waiting impatiently for an answer.

"I went looking for Klaus, Patch and I found him,the guys who attacked the house had kidnapped him. We got him out but....Patch didn't make it." She muttered, reluctantly mentioning Patch.

"Fuck, what happened?"

"They were gonna shoot her so I pushed her out of the way and took the bullet instead but she....she hit her head and......I-It's all my fault. It was m-m-me, Mer, I killed her." The speedster stuttered.

Meredith wrapped her arm around her best friend's shoulder, pulling her into a hug and gently stroking her hair.

"It was not your fault. You tried to save her. If you hadn't they would have shot her and she would've been dead anyway." Meredith comforted her friend.

"Thank you, for trying to make me feel better." Kat sniffled.

"And one more thing, where the fuck is your shirt?" Meredith asked, looking towards Kat.

"Pogo had to perform emergency surgery on me, so it was necessary to strip down." Katherine joked, walking over to her closet and pulling out a jumper and throwing it on.

"You'll use any excuse to strip down, my dear Katherine."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm surprised you didn't point out my near-nakedness sooner." She laughed, jumping onto the bed next to Mer and grabbing the bag of chips from the bedside table and tucking in.

"Holy fuck, I just had an epiphany!" Katherine shouted loud enough for anyone three rooms over to hear it as she meant forward to tell her friend.

"Okay? What's an epiphany?" Mer asked.

"Christ on a cracker, Meredith, it's a realisation. Did you even go to school?"

"Yeah actually, did you?" Meredith asked smugly.

"Touché. Anyway remember that theory you found online about Captain America's powers coming from him being a virgin." Katherine said, making Meredith nod as she attempted to hold in a chuckle.

"My theory is that Luther gets his powers from being a virgin too." Katherine explained, the two girls looked at each other silently for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"I can't decide if that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard or the truest." Meredith asked, wiping the happy tears from her eyes.

"I mean, he must be a virgin, right? He's been on the moon for four years so no action there and before that he never left the house except for missions." Katherine tried to explain seriously but ended up laughing through it.

"Luther the hairy, monkey virgin." Meredith giggled.


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