20|Never Enough

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(Chapter 20| Never Enough)



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Katherine looked around her in shock, finding it hard to believe that what just happened actually happened. Diego and Klaus gave her worried looks from the front seats. She used to think that time travel was an impossible task for anybody but Five but she had done the impossible.

"What the fuck was that?" Katherine asked,breathing heavily.

Klaus and Diego sent each other worried glances before returning their attention back to the girl who was hyperventilating in her seat.

"Pretty sure that was a panic attack, Kat." Klaus said.

The speedster glared at the pair in front of her, noticing a lack of understanding regarding what had just occurred.

"You mean, you didn't just see that shit?" She asked motioning with her hand to the window.

"I don't know what you mean, sweets." Diego laughed, the old nickname rolling off her tongue as if it had been waiting to be said again for years.

She thought back to a time where things were different, in which Diego had called Katherine 'Sweets' due to the secret trips to the candy store she would make to supply the pair's midnight feasts.

"Never mind." Kat muttered.

Her glaze went to Diego who seemed to be distracted by something through the back window, Katherine rotated her body to see the man from the motel who she remembered as 'Hazel' in front of the doughnut shop pounding his fist on the roof of a blue car.

"The fuck?" The speedster murmured, her swears being heard by Klaus who sniggered before checking on the scene in the side mirror.

"That's our guy." Diego said, his arm leaning over his seat and his hand resting on Kat's shoulder.

"Hey, I know that guy." Klaus said.

"How could you possibly know that- -" Diego was cut off.

"He and a really angry lady tortured me and shot Kat. We barely got out with our lives."

Katherine watched carefully as Hazel started up his car and he began to dive away.

"We gotta get this guy." She started as she turned herself back around and buckled in her seatbelt.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now