32|Sticking Together

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(Chapter 32|Sticking Together)



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Katherine Hargreeves remained stood in the living room, her heeled boots firmly placed into the ground and a look of disbelief written on her face.

"No, no, no. Harold. Harold Jenkins. Not Gerald." Katherine expressed, talking with her hands to correct Diego's mistake.

The Kraken smirked at her lovingly, watching as she continued to be overdramatic as usual.

"Yeah, whatever, babe."

His terms of endearment brought a happy smile to Kat's face as the other Hargreeves' watched awkwardly. Klaus bounced excitedly on his seat as Five and Allison smiled.

"So..you two finally-"Allison began before Katherine cut her off.

"Don't make me Speedy Gonzales your ass, Allison."

"Come on, I've  already lost two people this week, I'm not gonna risk losing you too, Kat." Diego spoke proudly, happy to call Katherine his again.

He walked through the circle of his siblings, his jacket clutched in his hand. The speedster shook her head and smiled before following after him, crossing his arms over her chest as she focused on walking steadily on her high heels.

"Katherine?" Five asked, checking to see if she was on board.

She looked up from the floor, facing her brother, her shoes adding a few extra inches making her taller than him.

"I'm with him." She smirked, before continuing following Diego, Five nodded.

"And Luther?"

"Yeah, you go. I'm gonna stay and go through Dad's files. I still think this has something to do with why he sent me to the moon." Luther rambled, even Allison looked like she'd had enough.

Katherine and Diego stopped walking and turned to face Luther when he began to speak.

"Seriously? Now you wanna make the end of the world about you and dad?" Diego said, Kat nodded in agreement.

"And for the last time, man, no one gives a flying fuck about the moon."

"Preach!" Klaus hollered, raising his hand in agreement, sounding still tipsy and agitated but supporting his sister nonetheless.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now