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(Chapter 39|Clear)



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Fear was a common feeling for Katherine as a child. The fear of disappointing her father. The fear for her life on every over mission. The fear of always being in last place no matter how fast she was. As Kat left the academy behind, she began to let go of the constant state of fear she once lived in. Her life in Vegas with her newfound best friend was anything but quiet, but she was happy.

Now, at the ripe age of 29, Katherine found herself fearing death once again, but not for herself, for Allison. Though the group had no idea what kind of situation their sister was in, they new one thing. Harold Jenkins was a killer. It was quite funny to think they were labelling Jenkins as a murderer as Katherine classed herself as the exact same, though it wasn't the time for her to have her daily breakdown at that moment in time.

So she sat quietly panicking between Luther and Diego in the back seats, with Klaus and Five riding in the front of the car. The silence was unbearable, the machine hum from the engine and the occasion stick being ran over were the only sounds to be heard as the siblings worried over the well-being of their sister.

Katherine hoped and prayed and wished on every eyelash attached to her eyes that her sister was okay because if not, she could never forgive herself.

All of a sudden, Luther leaned forward in his seat, making Katherine jump in shock as Diego tried to comfort her by taking her hand and squeezing it softly.

"Hey, can you go any faster?" He asked.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter." Five deadpanned.

As Luther slumped back in his seat, Katherine decided to suggest her idea for a final time, hoping she wouldn't be shut down like a badgering child.

"Maybe I should just-" She was quickly cut off.

"No." Diego spoke quickly.

"Diego, maybe you should let Katherine-" Luther started before also getting cut off.

"No. It's too dangerous, we have no idea what this Jenkins is capable of and I can't lose her too." Diego spoke perfectly with no stutter as if he had prepared this very sentence in his head the whole car journey.

The whole vehicle was silent, Katherine decided not to upset Diego by arguing anymore, Five concentrated on the drive ahead, Klaus was in a world of his own and Kat honestly didn't want to make conversation with Luther and so the rest of the journey remained quiet.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now