21|You're Safe

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(Chapter 21|You're Safe)



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The Hargreeves twins followed closely behind Diego, hearing his footsteps pound up the staircase. Katherine's heart raced, part of her wanted to make life simple and catch up to him with her speed but the other half was terrified of what would happen if she used her powers and got stuck in the future.

She watched as Klaus stumbled along next to her, a feeling of comfort overtaking her after being reunited with her brother after her trip through time.

"So what exactly is the plan here, big guy?" Klaus asked, the bottle still present in his hands as the pair stood directly behind Diego, Katherine resting her chin on his shoulder to let him know she was there.

"I told you two to wait in the car." Diego sighed.

"Yeah, but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes." Klaus slurred,making Katherine giggled as she took a step back and put her hands in the pocket of her hoodie.

"We were eight." Diego said, into Klaus' ear as the druggie took another swig from the bottle.

Klaus shrugged, his mouth full of alcohol as he pushed passed his brother in attempt to take barge but was ultimately stopped by Diego's strong arm in front of him. The seance stumbled down one step only to be caught by Katherine, who kept him from tumbling down the flight of stairs and snapping his neck.

Diego then proceeded to grab Klaus and lead him down a further couple of steps for a little discussion.
"What? Come on." Klaus complained, as the brothers pushed past Katherine leaving her to stand alone at the top of the stairs with her hands in her pockets and her curled hair falling over her covered shoulders.

"For once, I need you to listen to me, okay? Now, go back to the car. If we don't come back out in two minutes, that means I'm probably dead and Katherine probably ran off and left me."

Diego said as he held Klaus' shoulders and left him at the bottom of the stairs. "That happens, go get help. Okay?"

"Why does Kat get to go? She's worse than I am!" Klaus complained, practically stamping his feet in a temper.

"Because I won't be able to talk her out of it and anyway she can run and get you to revive me if I die." Diego shook Klaus' shoulders reassuringly.

Klaus sighed, taking another swig for the bottle.
"There are two flaws in your plan; one, I am in no state to be reviving anyone and two, Katherine's not running anywhere, the poor girl is traumatised after whatever happened back there."

Diego's brows knitted together in confusion, he seemed more scared than anything else as he glanced over his shoulder and looked up at the girl who stood at the top of the staircase. Her face blank and fear buried in her eyes. He sighed.

"Just stay here."

"Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay."

Diego tapped his brother's shoulders before jogging back up the stairs, his eyes locked in Katherine the entire time. Kat watched as her twin trudged down the hall, but after listening in on the conversation below, she figured that he wouldn't be gone for long.

Diego stopped at the top of the stairs, standing next to the girl, he glanced down at her with a softened glance.

"You ready?" Katherine smiled at Diego as he tried to hide the fear that was slowly consuming her.

He nodded, turning towards the motel room door, taking a deep breath and kicking it open, the door swinging dangerously as the room appeared to be empty. The tv was on and the culprits couldn't have gone far.

There was a sudden screeching sound of a car engine and then tire tracks on the ground, Kat and Diego diverted their attention away from the motel room and onto the parking lot. Hazel and Cha Cha came riding around the corner in their blue car, wearing the same masks that they did the nigh they attacked the house.

Cha Cha hung out of the passenger seat window, gun in hand, shooting towards the pair. For once, Katherine's first instinct wasn't to run, her feet were glued to the ground. The images of her family's future played through her mind, her dead brothers and sister and the little boy she called her brother. The look on his face, the glee in his eyes when he recognised her and the disappointment he must have felt when she disappeared.

Katherine felt nothing, although she expected that by now a bullet should have found a way to penetrate her skin but it didn't. Instead she was broken from her trace by a familiar feeling. Diego's warm gloves grasped onto Katherine's arms and pulled her into his chest, the bullet lodging itself into Diego's arm instead.

She heard his heart beat rise and a groan of pain release from her lips, she opened her eyes that she hadn't even realised she had closed as she backed away from his chest. She looked up to find Diego staring down at her, a worried look planted on his chiselled face.

There was a moment or perhaps a second where the two forgot all about what was happening and didn't even realised they were still being shot at. For that moment, they simply stared at each other, both worrying if the other was alright without asking.

Until suddenly the moment was interrupted by Klaus was hastily pulled the pair behind the wall and safely out of the way of anymore bullets.

"Oh man, see? You used to think I was an idiot?" Klaus muttered over the heavy breathing coming from himself and Diego and the silence that Katherine emitted.

"I still think you're an idiot." Diego's said, holding his arm in pain, his eyes still focused on the speedster as she smiled at his comment.

"Come on, they're getting away." Katherine coughed, breaking her own silence and trying to pretend as if she didn't just stand there completely helpless.

"You're welcome." Klaus complained.

The trio jogged down the stairs and down to the parking lot. Katherine quickly noticing something odd about the car.

"Get in the car." Diego said.

Katherine crouched down by the wheels before sighing.

"Yeah..that's not happening." She said poking the popped tyres.

She returned to a stand and stood back as she giggled, watching Klaus dramatically kick the wheels.

"Is this all part of your master plan?" Klaus asked as Diego and Katherine placed around the parking lot as he leaned against on ice cream truck.

"Shut up."

There was a moments silence as the trio looked between one another and the ice cream truck before deciding possible one of the wire decisions they had ever made.


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