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(Chapter 31|Replay)



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As the car pulled up to the Academy, Katherine's ears were filled with the joyful sounds of cheering and music. It had been a rough mission and the speedster was exhausted, her mask that still covered her face made it easier for her to rest her eyes without her father catching her.

Children applauded and held their signs high as the car came to a stop, Reginald was the first to exit, Luther climbed out from the front seat, as usual, then followed by the others from the back.

Katherine walked briskly, her feet aching with Klaus in front and Diego behind. Her eyes darted to a small girl with gingery-blonde hair and a big sign that had "The Flash" printed in the centre with multiple hearts dotted around it. Katherine sent the girl a bright smile and a small wave, the child's eyes widened with glee as she tugged on her mother's pant leg in excitement.

The speedster's ears pricked up at the sound of a thud, a boy in a homemade costume had jumped the fence and grabbed hold of Allison's arm.

"Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan." The boy exclaimed.

"Hey, hey. You're not supposed to be in here." Luther said, grabbing the boy by his sleeve.

Katherine stopped walking and jogged over to the seen, leaving Diego and Klaus to walk back for the house by themselves.

"Guys, come on, just leave him." Katherine suggested, earning the attention of her siblings.

"He's not supposed to be over the barrier, Katherine." Luther stated, still holding the boy by his sleeve, tightly.

"Well, if you two don't hurry your sorry asses up, Dad's gonna be pissed." Kat hissed, turning on her heel and strutting back towards the door.

As she passed her father, she saw his gaze fully on the boy in the costume, when she made it to the house, she watched eagerly with Diego, Klaus and Ben to see what was happening.

"Get back behind the barricade!" Her father pointed towards the civilians.

"It's just...I was born on the same day as the Academy kids. I think I'm like them. I must be. I haven't quite figured out what my power is...yet. But maybe with your help, we can find out." The boy rushed, Katherine cringed and squeezed Diego's hand, she knew her father well enough to have a rough idea of what was about to happen.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now