22|Miss You

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(Chapter 22|Miss You)



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The annoyingly enjoyable noise of the ice cream truck jingle was stuck in Katherine's head, blocking out the unwanted memories of the apocalypse. She was comfortably positioned between Diego and Klaus, Diego's arm being wrapped in a sling and Klaus driving the truck even though Kat was 100% certain that we was not legally licensed to drive it.

The road ahead was blurred by the sun but she could make out a car and two figures standing by, one considerably larger than the other. The truck got closer and closer until the figures turned into Luther and Five, both of them looking rather disturbed by their entrance.

Klaus and Katherine waved cheerily out of the small window, Klaus forgetting to pay attention to the road ahead.

"Go faster!!" Diego practically screamed from next to Katherine who covered her eyes and hissed in pain.

"Jesus Christ! Burst my ear drum, why don't you? Fucking psychopath." She complained cupping her ears in pain, as her twin laughed at her choice of words and Diego ignored her snarky comment.

"It's a set up!" She heard Cha Cha shout as the two hitmen pulled out their guns and began to shoot. The bullets bounced off the truck with ease as Luther shielded Five's small frame with the fake briefcase.

As the truck sped up and passed Hazel and Cha Cha the force of the vehicle flung them into the air causing their weapons to be released from their grip. Katherine saw this as the perfect opportunity to get off her ass and get back to doing what she was good at because if the world was going to end she might as well do something about it.

She closed her eyes tightly focusing on the adrenaline burning up inside her just waiting to burst out, the blue ball of energy that sparked in her chest and she harnessed it and she broke out into a run. She jumped over Diego kicking open the door to the ice cream truck as she sped over to Hazel and Cha Cha before plucking their guns from out of the air.

She came to a halt the blue blur that radiated from her body died down into nothingness as she spotted what was wrong. No one was moving.

At first she thought it must have been her powers malfunctioning again until she saw Five's head pop out from behind Luther. The memories of her trip to the past flashing through her mind once more as she got a sense of deja vu.

"What the fuck just happened?" Katherine muttered whilst spinning on her heel in order to check that what she was seeing was real and not a figment of her imagination.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now