30|Begin Again

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(Chapter 30|Begin Again)



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Katherine and Diego as well as their mother, walked, hand in hand, through the chilly park. Grace wore an old fashioned blue coat and hat, that attracted some attention for being old fashioned but the Hargreeves' didn't care, they were just happy to see their mother out of the house.

Diego wore his usual attire but Katherine had changed into knee-high boots and a button-up, Black overcoat. Diego linked his mother on the left whilst Katherine linked her on the right with her other hand comfortably tucked into the overcoat pocket. The sound of the trio's clicking heels on the floor was uneven, as Katherine had a tendency to walk faster than others.

There was silence for a while as Grace took in the scenery, Kat would say it seemed she was enjoying it though she had no idea if she was even feeling anything. Although, Katherine did thoroughly enjoy the smile on Diego's face, seeing his mother out and about for once. The wind whistled through the branches of the trees, every once and awhile Katherine would purposely speed up her hearing as to focus on the droplets of water ripping from the leaves and then splattering on the floor or the flap of the hummingbird's wings that seemed as if it could cause an avalanche.

"Dad was wrong to keep you locked up all those years." Diego broke the silence. "I should have said something."

"We all should have." Katherine added, looking over to Diego, between steps and sending a small smile in his direction, a pink blush contrasted his cold cheeks as he returned it.

"There's something else that needs to be said, my loves." Grace came to a halt, taking Diego and Katherine's hands in her own and turning the face they both.

"Pogo and I....we've been lying. Lying to all of you."

Called it! Katherine yelled in her own head, she had always had a knack for picking up on things, reading expressions and just having some actual common sense.

Her and Diego exchanged a confused look and just as Katherine was about to interrogate her own mother, she felt a sudden burning pain in her chest.

She groaned in pain, earning Diego's attention as well as Grace's, she felt her eyes radiate the blue aura that they had done in her vision state.

"Something's happening." Katherine said the through gritted teeth as she held back her cries from the pain.

Everything around her moved rapidly as if she were running and yet her feet were firmly planted on the floor, her breathing deepening as she squeezed Diego's hand, she didn't even realise she was holding and just as she thought she was about to implode, everything went black.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now