45|The Final Countdown

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(Chapter 45|The Final Countdown)



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Time is an incomprehensible concept for most people. This is the part where you expect something such as, "but not for Katherine", but no in fact Katherine barely had any awareness of time. She was near enough late for everything whether it was by seconds or days Katherine was never on time, ironically. And so discovering that you can travel through time required at least some knowledge of the subject, the one thing Katherine lacked, besides patience.

So as of now, Five was gone, again. Katherine didn't quite know exactly when he disappeared, he could be in the bathroom for all she knew but he wasn't in her view and therefore in her opinion he had taken off again. Although, deep down she knew he only wanted to protect them she felt that a warning of his absence would've been nice. He was the only thing holding the Academy together, without him they were clueless, a bunch of addicts, celebrities and vigilantes.

"Where's Five?" Luther asked as he reapproached the group, Katherine stood superspeed tapping her foot impatiently making the floor beneath her vibrate.

"He left." Diego announced slightly throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Oh, for the love of..Where'd he go?" Luther asked.

"Don't you think we would've led with that if we knew." Katherine said.

"Well, we're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in 30 minutes." Luther explained.

Katherine gave a silent nod from beside Diego, Allison and Klaus listened carefully from the sidelines.

"Alright so what's the plan?" Diego questioned.

"Well, I think that, uh, we go to the Icarus Theatre."

"That's a location not a plan." Diego spoke, nonchalantly.

"Is that all you have? Seriously, your head is twice the size of the average human and yet that is all you came up with." Katherine rambled, hand gestures and all.

"Look, you wanna be Number One, fine. But you're gonna have to get us on the same page, 'cause right now, we're all over the place." Diego began to square up to Luther.

"Preach." Katherine heard Klaus whisper.

"Is that like your catchphrase now?" Katherine whispered back.

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