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(Chapter 14|Killer)



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Once arriving back at the Academy and finding it completely empty except for Pogo, Katherine had left Meredith in her bedroom with some books to read, a glass of water and a bag of chips and told her to rest.

Her goal was to find either Five or Klaus, which came first but the only problem was that she had no idea where to start and so instead she began to walk the streets in search of clues or hopefully the boys themselves.

Whilst passing by the Meritech building ,where she had previously posed as Five's mother and Klaus' wife, a place she thought was a good place to start looking, she found the building almost demolished. The sirens of police cars where wailing and the building was surrounded, she noticed a familiar face amongst the crowd and approached her.

As Katherine got closer, she heard the end of a conversation between the detective and her colleague before he left her alone.

"Hey, Patch!" Katherine announced herself, causing the detective to turn her attention to the girl.

"Oh, Katherine. What can I help you with?" Patch smiled, surprised to see the girl.

"You haven't seen either of my brothers, have you? Both brunette, one's a child with the snarky attitude of an old man and the other is around 6ft, probably dressed like a male stripper and you might recognise him from the many times he's been arrested." Katherine explained.

Patch gave Katherine a confused look before shaking her head causing Katherine to let out an exasperated groan. She looked over to the detective whose attention was elsewhere and noticed she was distracted by a van parked just down the street.

"I'll be right back." The detective muttered before beginning to approach the vehicle.

"I'm coming." Katherine shrugged, jogging slightly in her heels to catch up to Patch.

As they approached the van, they noticed marks in the dust on the windshield, that spell out the words 'Your brother says hi'.

"Your brother says hi." Patch muttered as she read the message, the words sent shivers down Katherine's spine. She noticed a little card placed on the windshield as she picked it up reading the name of the motel and showing it to Patch before pocketing it.

"Which brother?" Patch looked to Katherine for an answer, who simply shrugged.

"Not sure. My bets on Klaus, Five's practically impossible to kidnap."

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now