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(Chapter 18|Brother)



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The Hargreeves twins and Diego drove off in Diego's car, in all fairness Katherine really had nowhere to be and the only reason she had tagged along was to make sure Klaus was alright.

Katherine sat in the back, middle seat of the car with Diego driving and Klaus in the passengers seat, leaning his head against the window.

Klaus lifted a bottle of alcohol to his lips and took a gulp. Diego constantly looked between Katherine, who had her head in her knees and was attempting to ignore the other passengers and Klaus who was surely drunk and didn't seem to care.

"Wow. This is a first. Klaus and Katherine are silent. Last time you were this quiet, we were 12. Klaus ran down the stairs in Grace's heels, tripped over and broke his jaw. How long was it wired shut again?" Diego broke the silence.

"Eight weeks." Klaus whispered.

"Eight glorious weeks of bliss. And you, Kat, felt so bad for the poor sap that you taught yourself sign language and forced him to as well. Do you two still do that?"

"Occasionally, when we want to chat shit about you." Katherine muttered with her head between her knees.

The speedster sighed, sitting up and noticing the large bottle on Klaus' lap as she leaned forward, having not done her seatbelt, and grabbed the bottle before sitting back and taking a long drink.

"Hey, just....just drop me off here." She heard Klaus murmur.

Diego nodded as the car began to pull up to a veteran's bar. Katherine felt the bottle getting pulled from her grasp as Klaus opened the door and stumbled towards the bar, taking the bottle with him.

"You sure you're okay, man?" Diego shouted but Klaus had already closed the door.

Katherine climbed into the front seat, placing her hand on Diego's shoulder.

"Hey, I just got this thing cleaned!" Diego complained as Katherine sat down in the passengers seat.

"Well get it cleaned again." Katherine pulled a twenty dollar bill from her pocket and threw it at him.

"You really do just throw your money around, don't you?" He chuckled as he pocketed the twenty.

"I don't think what I do with my money concerns you and I won't need it soon anyway." Katherine scoffed, before realising that Diego didn't know about the apocalypse and hoped he hadn't heard her.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now