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(Chapter 41| Autophobia)



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Being brought up in the environment she did, Katherine had learned to fear nothing but her father and as the years passed even that singular fear faded. Theoretically speaking, now Katherine had nothing to fear, her father was gone, but the heart rate never seemed to decrease, the sweaty palms never seemed to dry and the rapidly bouncing knee never seemed to slow. The Flash had grown to fear something else, something she hadn't realised she'd been afraid of until now, because now the people around her relied on it. She had grown to fear herself.

It would've been selfish of her to let her fears preoccupy her mind whilst Vanya was still at risk and the responsibility to save the world from destruction still lay on her and her super powered siblings. So once again, Katherine had no choice but to put her sister and the rest of her family before her own thoughts and fears and she figured pushing her emotions down deep inside was the best option as it's exactly what her father would've done, if he would've had feelings at all.

Making her final decision to ignore her own feelings, once again, Katherine made her way slowly down the grand staircase, her heels clicking on the old oak as she went, looking for either one of her favourite brothers to find reassurance in. Entering the living room, she found who she was looking for but not exactly what, Five sitting by the bar, drink in hand, not such an unusual sight, except for the large, some-what familiar man standing in front of him.

"Five?" Kat announced herself, gaining the attention of both party members from across the room.

Five directed his gaze to his sister, his mouth leaving the straw that sat in his drink with a quiet click.

"Katherine, uh, this is Hazel, I believe you too have met before."

And suddenly, the memories of this mysterious man came flooding back to her, along with the night she remembered him from, that would forever haunt her. Though, for some reason no one but herself would be able to explain, she didn't hate him. She hated herself. Obviously, Patch's death lay on him slightly, but Katherine couldn't blame anyone but herself no matter how hard she tried.

"Ah, yeah, from the motel." Katherine tutted, folding her arms over her chest.

Hazel's eyes widened slightly, with something Katherine hadn't expected, guilt.

"I-I hoped I would see you again, could I speak with you privately?" Hazel asked, looking away, refusing to meet Katherine's sad eyes.

"Sure thing, right this way." Katherine gestured for Hazel to follow, as they stepped into the hallway, the living room door closing behind them.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now