35|Wide Awake

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(Chapter 35|Wide Awake)



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Tranquillity. A state of being peaceful, calm and without violence. For Katherine, it was an exceptionally rare feeling that she had only experienced in her earliest memories.

Katherine Hargreeves' first encounter with her abilities came at a young age, believe it or not, on the day she was born. She remembered it vaguely, a flash of blue electric light covered her newly-developed vision. And for some unknown reason it made her feel tranquil.

Present day tranquility was a one in a million chance, but right now as Katherine lay sleeping on her childhood bed, she wavered on the edge of tranquility.

Her surroundings became clear as her eyes fluttered open and nostalgia encased her mind. Katherine felt reenergised, as she pulled the covers from her warm body, sending chills across her bare arms.

The speedster slid her legs over the bed and placed her shoe-less feet on the wooden floor, even though she didn't remember taking off her own shoes, she could see them on the other side of the room.

She reached into her jean pocket for her phone but found it missing, instead it was placed on the bedside desk, as the light appeared on the phone she picked it up and answered it, placing it to her ear without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" Katherine spoke as her voice cracked groggily.

""What the fuck, Kat? I've been calling you all day." The concerned voice of her best friend yelled.

"Why? Is something wrong? I can be in there in 15?" Katherine asked, jumping up from her bed and running over to her shoes, pulling them on, with the phone lodged between her ear and shoulder.

"-No. No! Everything's fine." Meredith rushed.


"I was calling to check up on you, see how the end of the world things going, you know?" Meredith muttered, the sound of the TV audible in the background.

"Well, we know who causes the apocalypse, at least we think so. His names Harold Jenkins and get this? It's Vanya's boyfriend!" Katherine gossiped.

"No. Fucking. Way. Why does all the shit go down when I leave?!" Meredith gushed.

"Hey, did you talk to your mom?" Katherine asked, changing the subject as she walked over to her vanity and took a seat.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now