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(Chapter 29|Misery)



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Katherine Hargreeves strutted hastily past her robotic mother, who was cleaning the living room and straight towards the bar. She took a seat on one of the tall leather-bound stools and poured herself a scotch on the rocks. It took her mother a minute to realise that someone had entered the room, Katherine couldn't blame her though, she worked herself too hard.

"Hello, Katherine, my dear! How are you feeling today?" Grace greeted her happily.

"Same as always, Mom." Katherine muttered, sending her mother a small smile over her shoulder.

"Sorry to here that, darling. I hope you're not over working yourself, you know your father just wants you to reach your full potential." Her voice echoed through the almost-empty room.

Katherine squeezes her eyes shut and cringed at her mothers mistake, maybe Luther was right, Grace wasn't okay.

"Mom, Dad is dead." She sighed.

"......of course. How forgetful of me." Her mother chuckled.

Katherine didn't say another word.

She shotted the entire drink before refilling the glass, her mind running wild with images or her late father and his ominous messages, the unanswerable questions that she so desired answers to. For example, the clock, that had only been present in her visions. Her father had said she was powerful, she found that extremely hard to believe, she had always felt to be less than her siblings knowing that she never fully accepted her abilities. As a child she would have given anything to be normal, to fit in, to have real friends or go to a real school.

After leaving the academy, she found her escape for her abilities that forced her into captivity. She was determined to start something for herself, to be her own person and stray from the stereotypes that defined the Umbrella Academy. Owning practically the biggest casino in Vegas, helped Katherine make a name for herself.

Meeting Meredith was possibly the best thing that had ever happened to Katherine, the first person other than her family that she could put her entire trust in, now knowing that everyone she's ever loved will be dead within days, she felt helpless. With the world ending, the Umbrella Academy should be trying to prevent the apocalypse, fighting side by side to stop the cause of it, instead they lay around aimlessly waiting for their inevitable death.

The speedster was awoken from her thoughts at the sound of footsteps, that Katherine recognised as male, not as heavy as Luther's and not as uneven as Klaus', therefore the source of the steps came from Diego.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now