23|Together Again

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(Chapter 23| Together Again)



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Katherine returned to the house, in which she spent most of your childhood, stumbling up the stairs and pushing open the door to her room. She expected to find Meredith waiting patiently for her but instead she found nothing but a piece of paper, torn at the edges sitting on the neatly made bed.

If you're reading this, don't come and find me.
I'm sorry but I had to leave. I read your little self-help note on the cork board. Who the fuck reminds themselves about the end of the world?! Anyway, I've gone back home to make amends with my Mom, considering it might be my last chance. Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. If anyone can stop this thing, it's you. I believe in you, Kat.
All my love,

Katherine's first instinct, as usual, was to run back to Nevada and find her best friend but deep down she knew Mer was doing the right thing by leaving her to concentrate on what really mattered.

The speedster let out a sigh, her voice wavering as she blinked away the tears she hadn't realised where forming. Placing the letter down on the bedside table, she removed her jacket and shoes before taking a seat on the bed.

She held her own head limply in her hands, wishing that it could all be over but her  thoughts were too soon interrupted by a heavy fist knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

Slowly, the door opened, Diego waiting patiently whilst leaning on the doorframe, his arm in a sling. A smile planted on his chiselled face, one that Kat knew all too well.

She smiled back, gesturing for him to come closer as he walked towards her slowly with her hands in his pockets.

Noticing the letter on the bed, Diego's brows knitted together before reaching out and grabbing Katherine's hand that lay in her lap. Startled, the speedster's head shot up to face him, their eyes meeting.

"What's wrong?"

"Mer's gone, she left." Katherine shook her head.

Diego let out a sympathetic sigh before taking a seat next to her on the bed, his weight moving the bed and causing Katherine to shift closer to him, their thighs touching.

"What happened?" He asked, his eyes not leaving her.

"She went to see her Mom, that's all I can tell you." Katherine whispered, not wanting to spill Five's secret. Diego nodded not wanting to pry.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now