36|I love You

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(Chapter 36|I Love You]



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The symphony of Katherine and Allison's heels travelled through the speedster's ears as the trio made their way down the steps of the academy. Diego exited first, followed by Katherine and lastly, Allison who held Harold Jenkins' file firmly in her grasp.

It was dark by the now, the street lamps illuminated the streets, something Katherine hadn't even come to realised until stepping outside. Down the street was the visible flashing lights of police cars and the growing sound of sirens that bellowed down the empty streets and Katherine knew exactly why they were here.

As Diego noticed the police cars, his expressed altered and he made a complete turn on his heel as he led the trio in the opposite direction.

"Nope. Come on, this way." Diego said, confusing Allison.

"Wait, but the car is back that way." Allison commented, gesturing in the direction of the police cars that closed in.

"Just trust us, Alli, you do not want to go in that direction." Katherine commented, turning in a circle as she walked and trying not to break her heels.

"What is going on?" Allison asked from behind Diego and Katherine, who walked swiftly ahead.

"They're here for us. Uh...they think we did something." Diego muttered, accidentally bringing Kat's mood down to a 0%.

"What do they think you guys did?"

"Oh, you know, just the typical cold-blooded murder." Katherine nervously laughed in attempt to raise her own spirits.

"And did you?" Allison stopped them both with wide eyes.

"No, no, no, of course not, okay?"

"Do you really think so little of us, Allison?" Katherine tried to joke, as Allison watched her in bewilderment.

"I mean, Diego carries knives with him everywhere and if I'm being completely honesty, Katherine, you give off a kinda shady vibe." Allison explained.

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna have to split from you guys." Diego announced, earning looks of surprise from his girlfriend.


"Katherine, they want her killer. If I let them take me, they'll let you get away." Diego sighed.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't fast enough, I killed her and I should be the one that goes down for it." Katherine's voice began to break as tears welled in her eyes.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now