24|Family Matters

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(Chapter 24|Family Matters)



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The Hargreeves siblings excluding Five and Vanya, gathered in the living room, Katherine sitting cross-legged on the couch with a glass of scotch in her hand, swilling the liquid around.

"Three days?" Allison questioned, handing Luther a paper cup of coffee.

"That's what Five said."

"Want one?" Allison asked Katherine, who shook her head in response.

"No thanks, I think I'll stick with something stronger." Kat raised her glass, popping her tongue before downing the remains of her drink.

"The old bastard did tell me and Kat, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon." Klaus slurred.

"Wait a second, Katherine? How long have you know about this?" Luther asked, although Katherine was barely listening she raised her head at the mention of her name.

"Uh..well...today's a Friday so.....a few days?" Katherine's voice was slightly slurry but not to the extent of Klaus'.

"And you didn't think of telling us?!" Luther yelled.

"Leave her alone!" Diego spoke up from the corner, shocking everyone including Katherine.

"She's been through a lot lately and it's not like Five didn't keep it from you either." He smiled down at Katherine as she returned it Luther soon piped down.

"Look, how do we know this is even true? I don't know if you've noticed but Five's a little..." Allison whistled whist making a hand gestured showing Five's insaneness.

"Our little psycho." Klaus chuckled.

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Luther explained.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked, looking more interested at the mention of Hazel and Cha Cha.

"What did Five even see?" Allison asked.

"He saw darkness. The academy destroyed. It was baron and lonely and cold. The world was on fire but I was isolated. You could run for miles and find nothing but bo-" Katherine cut herself off, looking towards Luther to tell them what really happened.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now