17| Home Is Where Your Heart Is

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(Chapter 17|Home Is Where Your Heart is)


☂️The Hargreeves twins arrived home as quick as a flash with one in the arms of the other

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The Hargreeves twins arrived home as quick as a flash with one in the arms of the other. Katherine held tightly onto her brother as she sped in through the door and passed the entrance hall before stopping in the lounge and realising Klaus from her grasp.

It took him a minute to adjust to his surroundings before he let out a semi-awkward cough.

"I-I think I'm gonna go take a bath."

Katherine nodded, staying in her standing position until she was sure he was safely out of the room and heading up the stairs before she made her way over to the bar and poured herself a hefty glass of scotch.

She grabbed the bottle before taking it over to the couch and sitting down and placing the bottle on the table in front of her. She pulled out one of the cigarettes she had kept in the back pocket of her jeans and a picked up a lighter from off the table that she assumed to be Klaus' and lit the cigarette and taking a longer puff.

She sat in silence, breathing in the toxic fumes and drinking the glass of what some would call 'liquid happiness' as she pondered the previous occurrence and attempted to drown her sorrows in alcohol as she usually did.

After putting out the cigarette and leaving the rest on the probably expensive table, she placed down her empty glass and exited the living room. Once reaching the stairs, she was startled by a loud coughing coming from upstairs and sped up there to investigate.

Finding Klaus in a frantic state, leaning forward in the bath, seeming have had some sort of anxiety attack, Katherine rushed towards him and crouched down next to the bath tub.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

"I'm- I'm fine." Klaus muttered as he wiped the water from his face before turning to face her.

Katherine nodded, almost certain that Klaus was not, in fact, fine at all before deciding to leave him to it and take his word for it.


Katherine and Klaus were back in Klaus' room, where he had been changing silently and she had been mentally attempting to figure out what had happened to him.

Katherine spotted Five standing in the doorway, is eyes followed the bloody footprints that lead from the bath and into Klaus' room.

He knocked on the door, announcing himself, before stepping into the room with his hands placed in his pockets, he greeted Katherine with a smile to which she returned.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now