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(Chapter 19|Wasteland)


☂️Katherine, Klaus and Diego got back into Diego's car after what felt like hours

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Katherine, Klaus and Diego got back into Diego's car after what felt like hours. The boys held their throbbing ears in pain while Katherine simply smirked as she clambered into the back seat.

After the trio had buckled themselves back in, there was an awkward silence that filled the air. Katherine and Diego waited for Klaus to mention what had just happened but he stayed quiet.

The séance looked at his siblings and let out an out of the blue chuckle that Kat would have found comforting if she wasn't so hellbent on finding out what had just happened.

"You got a big mouth, you know that?" Diego started.

"Oh, Wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego." Klaus chuckled as he pulled out a small plastic bag, containing a few pills.

"Everything's a big joke to you, right? Would you stop it?" Diego said as he noticed the drugs and snatched them out of Klaus' hands.

"Why are you putting this shit in your body?" He shouted causing Katherine to hit him in the shoulder as she leaned forward.

"Just let him do what he wants, Diego." She muttered as Klaus blew a raspberry. The kraken looked back at the speedster in shock.

"How can you encourage this shit? Check this out. Hm? My body is a temple." Diego lifted his shirt and slapped his stomach. If it wasn't for the circumstances Katherine probably would have been quite impressed to say the least but instead she rolled her eyes and stifled a laugh.

The speedster looked towards her twin brother and the two exchanged a look they both knew all to well. Their eyes remained locked for a number of seconds before they broke into contagious laughter.

"Shut up, both of you. All that shit you do, it's just weakness." Diego pointed his finger towards the giggling twins as he attempted to make his point.

"Oh, Wow, beautiful." Klaus groaned.

"Stunning." Katherine smirked, sarcastically.

"Well, weakness feels so good." Klaus said, as he held up another small plastic bag containing more of the colourful pills, causing Diego to angrily lean over and slap Klaus upside the head.

"What's going on with you? Huh?" Diego shouted.

In anger, Katherine used her speed to reach out and grab Diego's arm as he was pulling away. As she returned to normal speed she tightened her grip on his wrist.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now