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(Chapter 37|Homecoming)



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Green. A colour some may call; calming, refreshing or maybe even relaxing. The colour of life, most people enjoyed a nice break to the countryside to take in the wildlife but Katherine Hargreeves has seen so many trees in the past few hours that she thought she might become one herself.

It was not until their car pulled up to the house they had been searching for that Katherine actually felt a sense of relief. Noticing a mailbox, not too far from the house, Katherine checked the address on the file before exiting the car to take a look.

As the girls' footsteps cracked against the gravel that covered the pathway, they began their trek towards the house, Katherine taking a peak at the mailbox which read "Jenkins" in large printed letters.

"This is definitely the place." Katherine whispered to her sister as the two stealthily his behind a bush.

"How do you know?" Allison asked, turning her head.

Katherine gestured her head towards the mailbox, receiving a nod from Allison as the two continued to scope out the house.

"Let's go." Katherine announced, speeding across the small driveway and into the woodshed on the other side.

Allison swiftly followed at an average pace, giving Katherine a look of disbelief.

"You can't keep doing that, someone could see you." Allison scolded.

"Bitch please, I'm like a ninja." Allison rolled her eyes at his sisters immaturity.

The sisters made their way silently through the woodshed before reappearing on the other side, where they had a much better view of the house. Katherine cupped her hands around her face as she peered into the window, hoping no one would be staring back from the other side. On the contrary, she found nothing, an empty house that looked relatively normal considering it had been harbouring a psychopath.

"See anything?" Katherine whispered.

Allison nodded, pointing through the glass with her finger, though Katherine couldn't make out what she was gesturing to.

"Vanya's violin." Allison whispered, as Katherine focused her vision back to the window to see if she could also spot it.

With Katherine back turned, there was a jump of fear from Allison as a bird flew from the bushes, her sister's jump scare had startled Katherine so that her forehead collided with the window.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now