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(Chapter 40|Similarities)



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Peace. An emotion many average civilians feel after a long day at work or a stressful event, something Katherine believed she had been deprived of as a child. On occasion, back in Vegas, Kat would feel a flicker of serenity against the hustle and bustle of the gambler life. But now, the energy returning to her body as she slept an unexpected slumber, hoping and praying in her dreams that Allison had survived her surge and it was then that Katherine Hargreeves finally understood that there was no such thing as peace. It was just calm before the storm.

As the light in the room temporarily blinded her, Katherine's eyes shot opened, absorbing the image surrounding her and recognising it as her childhood bedroom. Once again, Katherine found herself passing out and ending up in that very same bed for what felt like the millionth time.

She sprung to her feet at the sound of familiar voices below her, her boots hitting floor hard and nearly toppling her over as she forgot she had been wearing them. Then continued to walk slowly down the stairs, the chatter from the living room getting gradually louder as she did.

It just so happened that Katherine pushed open the door to the living room just to catch Five saying something about someone in particular that she couldn't quite make out.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Kat asked, her voice cracking slightly as it was the first time she had spoken since her nap.

She looked round to Klaus, who sat slumped on the couch and Diego, who stood central behind the coffee table.

"........Vanya." Five answered, hesitantly.

"Please tell me you guys aren't considering forgetting about her." Katherine shook her head at the three boys, motherly.

"No,of course not!" Diego exclaimed.

"Good." Katherine smirked, triumphantly,taking a seat beside Klaus.

"Think rationally, Katherine, if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us." Five explained.

Katherine nodded understandingly. "So what you're saying is, Jenkins has to be our number one priority?"


"I agree, let's go." Diego announced, gesturing for the group to exit as Katherine jumped to her feet.

"You guys count me out. I mean, no offence of whatever. It's just...I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure on newly-sober me, so......" Klaus slurred.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now