26|No Control

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(Chapter 26|No Control)



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The Flash sat impatiently in the middle of the floor,watching as Diego tied her brother to a chair, walking in circles as it clung to Klaus' skin. Her legs were crossed, she faced her brother who's head drifted around limply as he muttered nonsense.

"I hate this room." Diego sighed, earning a nod from Katherine.

"Oh,it got me high enough. I picked it clean of anything of value after Daddy kicked the bucket." Klaus laughed, as Diego continued to constrict his movement with the rope.

"That's it, tighter and higher." Klaus groaned, as Kat scrunched her face up in disgust at the innuendo.

Diego stopped in his tracks, holding the rope firmly as he looked down at Katherine, sitting uncomfortably on the floor.

"Is he serious?" He whispered.

Katherine replies with a nod of her head, Diego sighed, giving the rope a huge tug, the sound of the rope gripping his clothes being drowned out by Klaus' grumbles.

"If I see a boner, I'm out." Diego complained making Klaus chuckle and Katherine to gag into her hand.

"End of the world and you wanna get sober all of a sudden. Don't get me wrong,man. Good by you. But I'd think you'd want to pop every pill on the planet."

"Yeah, didn't you have that bucket list of foreign drugs you wanted to try?" Katherine muttered, pulling out a pack of gum from her jacket pocket and popping a piece into her mouth, dissolving the craving to smoke.

"Yeah, well, as much as I want to do that, but there's something I need to do and the whole pesky thing doesn't seem to work unless I'm sober." Klaus slurred earning a interested look from Kat.

"So who are you conjuring?" Katherine spoke up, her voice clear and slick like ice.

"How did you guess?" Klaus' looked wide-eyed.

"Pretty simple really, your powers only work when you're sober. It can't be Ben because of obvious reasons and it's definitely not Dad because you wouldn't want the last thing you hear to be his boring-ass voice, so who is it?" Katherine went off, raising an eyebrow and watching as Klaus' chest deepened into a sigh.

"His name was Dave."

Katherine smiled brightly, leaning forward and placing a comforting hand onto knee and rubbing circles with her palm.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now