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(Chapter 43|Destruction)



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Power was something that people in todays society fight so hard to achieve, it can be tossed around and taken too lightly, it is often abused and neglected. Power is something that many people would kill for, to have a higher authority over your peers is something that many people crave, they long for acceptance and control. Katherine on the other hand was the opposite of most people, she was born was unmatchable power but lacked the leadership skills to have control over people. And so she stayed close to the ground, her dreams were small and realistic as her own father believed she had so much wasted potential, the fault of this almost completely laying on him as for most of her childhood his words of affection towards his daughter was "again." and "not good enough". Unfortunately for Katherine, with the world ending in just a few hours, she had to find a way to access this apparently great power because she was up against something much bigger than her usual casino scammers and gang leaders. This was the extinction of the human race, potentially by the hand of her sister who had newly discovered powers that could destroy Katherine, the only thing she held over Vanya was experience and strategy, with hope that would be enough to save the world.

And as the odd vibrations shifted through the metallic floor below her, Katherine's mind drifted away from her abandonment of her sister and towards a memory or a dream she did not recall, whatever it was, it was dark and quiet. Her mind pictured herself, only younger, maybe 5 or 6 as she laid in her bed, her room simple and emotionless as her father did not allow hobbies on weekdays. Her innocent eyes began to flutter shut after a hard day of training with her father, the door propped open a smidge to let in the light.

Her ears pricked up at the sound of a presence, her eyes remained closed as she attempted to convince her visitor that she was asleep, she felt the soft hand of her mother brush her baby hairs away from her face and behind her ear with a melodious sigh.

"She sleeps so peacefully." Grace hummed, Katherine could feel her presence leaning over the bed.

"Ah yes, no surprise really, she worked hard today." Came another voice that the young girl identified as Pogo.

Grace's aura seemed to change at the mention of this, she became almost sad if that were possible.
"He makes her work so much harder than the other children. Why?" Grace sighed, taking a seat at the end of the bed as Katherine struggled to hide her consciousness.

"I shouldn't tell you this, Grace, but Master Reginald believes that Katherine is the solution to the problem he has discovered within Vanya. He believes that with time and much training, Katherine could possess the power strong enough to counteract that of young Vanya's. For this reason, has he decided to stop Vanya's training and replace that time to push Katherine harder and give her a fighting chance against what is to come." Pogo explained in a hushed tone.

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