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(Chapter 42| Secrets)



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Forgiveness. Something Katherine usually had a hard time comprehending, but as the hours to her potential end grew nearer, she had nothing to lose. Forgiving Klaus for all the money he'd borrowed and never repaid, possibly the easiest, Forgiving Luther for being an ass would be somewhat difficult. Forgiving herself was the near-impossible part, but with the help of a new friend, she had managed to convince herself that Patch felt no ill will against her and finally managed to clear her mind, knowing that all her focus must be on the task at hand if she wanted to survive the week.

Katherine sat anxiously on the couch, the last time she had been there they had been discussing their fathers death and the suspicions that surrounded it. Diego had his head lay on her knee as he stared up at the ceiling, throwing a small knife up into the air and catching it precisely. She had to stop herself from letting her knee bounce with anxiety as to not worry Diego, as she tried to find the best way to tell him that she believed this whole catastrophe was not yet over.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to announce her thought she was rudely interrupted.

"I need to show you guys something." Luther cleared his voice before he spoke, startling Diego and causing him to sit up rapidly to face the large man, leaving Katherine's knees cold.

"What is it?" Diego snapped harshly, unhappy he had interrupted his quiet time with Katherine.

"I think it'd be better if you go and see for yourself." Luther sighed, he didn't seem upset more rushed and worried and that intrigued Katherine, she had never knew Luther well but she had also never seen him this way.

Diego huffed aggressively, pulling himself off the couch and then taking Katherine's hand in his own and pulling her up next to him. they both followed Luther to a part of the house they had never seen before, it was further down passed the basement, much like the room her father used to train Katherine in before she accidentally destroyed it. the other children had been forbidden to venture down here when they were younger and Katherine didn't dare ask her father what the rest of the room down there were for, as you might remember he once terrified her.

When they arrived, the room was silent but Klaus was already there, exchanging some concerning looks and frowning at Luther deeply. Katherine looked forwards Klaus for some kind of confirmation as to why they were all gathered down here, not yet looking around the room for herself. Klaus looked back at her shaking his head and then gesturing towards the large, vault-like room on the other side of the room, much like the one her father would look her in to test her powers.

THE FLASH; DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now