If I'm going down you're going down with me

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It is the weekend again, and Monday Miley and I will have midterms, but there's a new Ashton Kutcher movie premier this weekend that everyone wanted to go, and in the kitchen Robby pulls out this big fish he got at the fish market. You should've seen it the fish was this big and it was me then it was him then it was me, then him.

Dad Jackson cuts him off.... You got that a fish market. Yeah but you should've seen the size of the women I was trying to take him from. Frist it was me then it was her then it was me then it was her. I get the picture. Miley comes down the stairs racing into the kitchen begging her father for her to go see the movie this weekend, but he wants her to be home here studying instead.

But dad look at it this way, midterms are half way to finals so I really only have to study half as hard and I usually study twice as hard as everyone else now I only need to study a quarter. So I'm done now. See how that works? No, I'm dad and I'm telling you you're staying home to study this weekend. See how that works? And since there's two you that means you both have to study twice as hard together.

But dad this could be a really good opportunity for my sister and I to do some bonding together. Isn't that right Farrah? (outfit 17) Mile I love ya but please don't drag me into this. When Jackson pretends to side with dad on his choices that's when dad was all like I want you to stay home this weekend and study too. But dad I already had my midterms.

I know son I had to wrap the fish in something. C? While Miley and I sit on the couch reading a book in the living room Jackson is trying to convince dad to let him go out that weekend for the movie. Dad I don't need history it's stupid I'm all about the future. So am I son and right now I see you living in my house with me still jobless at 35 and still swiping my change off the counter.

Dad I've been studying for a long time and the last time I sneezed Algebra came out. Good next time sneeze some smart on your brother he could use all the help he could get. Meanwhile I'm going to my meeting I'll be home around 11 call me if you need me but try not to need me. Am I being too hard on you guys? All: Yeah. Good that means I'm doing my job you all have a good night now ya hear.

As soon as dad leaves.... You know if we're gonna "study" we should put some music on. I like the way you think. It's montage time.

Instead of studying like we were supposed to we were goofing off and by the time the montage was over Jackson had a face on his tummy, and Miley was on the phone with Lily and Oliver and they were outside to come pick her up.

She said she couldn't go and then they guilt tripped her into going. That now she or I guess we would just have to sneak away. Which wouldn't be a problem cause Jackson had a "friend" over. Miley turned to Jackson and said we were gonna be up in our room all night so quite studying it would've been like we were never even there, and that he was gonna be down there not caring.

That is until his friend Cooper called and told him to sneak out of the house to come to the movie to come check out the girls. And at the word girls Jackson was ready to hit the road. But he looks up the stairs to check to make sure we're upstairs. Cause he thinks that if he leaves we'll tell dad but he knows Miley might but he doesn't know me well enough as a sister to know what I'd do.

That he thinks Miley is little miss perfect and would never do anything to get into trouble, but on the other side of the porch we use some kind of rope ladder to climb down. Don't forget it's there when we come back or we'll get caught. I whisper. Got it. We get into Oliver's mom's car and we head off. Meanwhile Jackson believes we're still at home and goes to the movies.

They plan on picking up girls while they're here and when Jackson pretends to be on the phone with Ashton since we were all told he'd be there that night he tries to pick up girls that way and fails miserably. He tries again and because our backs are all turned he doesn't know its us.

When Miley and Jackson see each other they freak out and then tell each other that they were gonna tell dad which they can't do because we're not supposed to be here that we're not really here but then we see dad and we find a place to hide. We hide behind a movie poster cardboard cut out and wonder what dad was doing there cause he was supposed to be at a meeting.

When we see Oliver he calls for us girls and we pull in down with us, and were sure he was gonna blow our cover. No Oliver hush our dad is here. I say covering his mouth. Great! No, he doesn't know any of us are here and we want to keep it that way. When dad gets closer we decide while his back is turned that now was our chance to sneak off.

But when dad calls Jackson's phone Miley begs him not to answer. But if he doesn't he'd know something was up. Hi dad we're all at home studying at home where we are home sweet home. We each contribute. Hey I just wanted to check up on you guys and see how the studying's going and that if you're doing something that you don't want me to find out about stop doing it. Study hard now kids. Love ya. We love you too dad gotta go.

Well it doesn't sound like he suspects a thing. Except he suspects we're doing something we shouldn't be. Man I hate lying to him. Miley complains. Hey you're on your hands and knees at the movies trying to avoid him the honesty ship has sailed. I've just got one question Oliver asks Lily. Why are we hiding? Good point best of luck.

When they leave they pass by a woman near our dad's age as she goes to talk with him and they go into a movie. He wasn't there for a meeting he was here on a date. And Miley and I were really upset about that. We go home and I take the ladder back up to our room and hide it away. Then we all reconvene in the kitchen.

Why would dad do this to us, to you most of all Farrah after all it wasn't too long you lost your mom and had to fly all the way over here on the drop of a hat, and I guess it bothers me that its been 3 years since our mom passed away that he would go on a date and not tell any of us. Doesn't that bother you Jackson? I mean like you said its been 3 years the mans lonely. Then we get him a puppy, but this is different.

When dad comes home Miley asks about where he was and that he said he'd be home by 11 and was 3 mins late. Mile?! I nudge her. The point is that while you were at your meeting we were here studyin'. That's right Farrah Jackson says patting my head. All night here at home. So uncle Robby how was your meetin'? It was fine girls. Fine that's just one syllable Miley complains. Don't we get more than that? Fine it was really fine that's 3 keep the change.

Daddy you're always telling us kids that we don't share enough and we should you should go first. And I love to girls but I don't want to jinx anything if it goes well it can turn into something. Well goodnight ya'll. He kisses our foreheads. Night dad (uncle Robby) we call after him. Great this is terrible he's happy. Miley reminds us.

I just wish we knew something about this woman. Miley says the next day (outfit 16) while we had Lily over. Margo Diamond. What? We ask. Isn't that the real estate lady whose got the ad on all of those benches. Great now we know where to find her and Jackson you can take us. Slow your roll sisters. Let me paint you all a picture. He grabs an apple and a couple of oranges. Hi we're Farrah, Miley and Jackson Stewart we know you're dating our father and we came to ask you some questions. How do we know this? Because we snuck out of the house and saw you together at the movies last night. Why are we telling you this? Because we wanna be grounded the rest of our youthful lives! Bellybutton boy's got a point Lily speaks up. Ok so WE can't go down there but I know a couple of somebodies who can.

When we get to where she works we've got Hannah, her chauffer, and Sabrina (outfit 48) all there to talk to her we convince her we're there to talk about a house and then after things start getting personal we see dad come in and we all hide in the closet. When she tells her she had us in the closet she said she was gonna go get her coat and they could leave.

When we get found out he questions how we found out but Miley is upset with him and I'm too hurt to think about anything. How could you do that? How'd you find out? You didn't tell me. Let me explain girls. Fine explain this.... Explain you could be dating someone and didn't tell me that you think there's someone out there that could ever replace my mom?!

When we get Miley and I sit on the porch in our own clothes with her guitar at night and after we sing

 her dad comes out to sit on the porch with us. That's a beautiful song girls. I like coming out here on nights like this and trying to figure everything out looks like we can be figuring out things together now. Why didn't you tell us? Because I wanted to go about doing things differently in the right place at the right time instead of sitting here alone on the deck.

I just can't picture you with anyone but my mom. I can't either what your mother and I had was special and no one can replace her. Then why are you dating again? Cause life goes on and your mother would've wanted me to move on. Don't you think? Yeah.... I guess she was pretty smart like that. I miss her too kiddo.

I cry as we hug. What's the matter kiddo? He asks me. I wanna go home, I cry wiping my tears away. But darlin' you are home. I mean home, home uncle Robby back in Tennessee. I want my life back I want my mom back this is just moving way too fast for me. My dad didn't love me enough to know that my mom had a kid so he's not even in the picture, mom died and I had to pack up everything and move out to California leaving everything I know and love behind me like its gone forever like the drop of a hat. I miss my mom.

I know you do kiddo and no one said you had to leave it all behind like it never happened like its not still a part of you. Tennessee is always gonna be a part of our family part of our life. I just I wanna go home. This is too much for me. I know things are moving a little fast sweetheart but you've got a new family now and one that's always loved you, we're all a little broken in this family but we're gonna get through it as a family too. I'm legally your dad now and I'm never gonna leave you. Even though that guy was biologically your father he still left you and your mom and that's no father to little girl no sir.

And we want you right here with us, because we love you. And I love you guys too, I'm glad I'm a part of the family and that I'm livin' here with ya'll I just wish my mom was here to love as well. I know sweetheart and so do I. But we're all gonna get through this. I promise you that. And things don't have to move fast they can move as slow as you want them to be just as at the end of the day you know you've got a family that loves you for you to come home to and to take care of you. I do I know that. I just miss her so much.

We all group hug. And share this warm family moment as Miley takes her sleeve and wipes my tears away with it. I love you little sister. I love you too Mile. I love you kiddo. I love you too uncle Robby. I love you Jackson! I call into the house. Love you too squirt. Miley rubs my shoulder and we go back inside. Well it's late it's time for bed. You all got midterms in the morning. Don't ruin the moment. Miley reminds him.

When we get back into our rooms and get ready for bed.... At least that ladder was gone, I whisper into her ear. Yeah she nods. Where is it? In the Hannah Sabrina closet. Good choice. I love you so much Farrah. I love you so much too Mile. We hug each other again and crawl into bed awaiting for tomorrow. 

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