At the Tipton

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I know there's that one that they're leaving the Tipton so I figured I do the one where they're actually at the Tipton. So, of course it doesn't start at home with us. This particular chapter of our story begins right at the Tipton itself. And we weren't the only ones there. So was Raven from "That's so Raven" and she was very upset about something. About what you don't need to ask the staff at the hotel will tell us. I'm sorry but your flight has been canceled she told her. No Raved said upset. Yes the staff member told her just as disappointed as Raven was. She stormed off to the "Candy" counter where Maddie was working and told her it was the worst day of her life.

Turns out it gets worse. I can't believe it I miss my flight and now this one's been canceled. Oof that IS a rough day. Those things do always suck. She said she was gonna be stuck there all weekend and that spent all her money on key chains for her all her friends. She started dumping them out of her purse as Maddie looked at her shocked. There's more she said giving it another shake and another few came tumbling out. Girl must have a lot of friends. Hi I'm Maddie she said sticking her hand out with a smile on her face as Raven said she was Raven but like she was gonna cry.

Hey Maddie do you have long lasting gum because I can't afford dinner? She asked her. The gum she gave her said it had a meaty undertone. Ew gum should never taste meaty unless its the meal gum from Willie Wonka but it was bust anyways because Violet turned into a giant Blueberry. She told her it also had a minty aftertaste as she handed it to her. She gave her one of her keychains and Maddie said thanks friend as she squealed and walked away. When she saw the top she was wearing while Raven packed her purse back up she mentioned she worked for her and Maddie said she loved her. Is she like the greatest boss ever?! She asked Raven.

Well you know how bosses can be. Raven said as her voice started up in volume when she tried to break the news gently to Maddie. And then Zac and Cody came back into the hotel. I can't believe you lost the money we were gonna give mom to buy her birthday present. Cody said to Zac clearly disappointed as he was the more responsible one of the twins. So, we're broke Zac concluded. Mom likes homemade stuff too. He reminded Cody. I'm sure between the two of us we can think of something. Which was a whole different problem because Zac is not very smart so they kind of only had one brain between the two of them.

Raven approached the two boys. Zac asked her if she was supposed to be on her way back to San Francisco. Which she was. Yeah that's what I thought but the airplane didn't think so. She told them. Great you'll be here for our mom's surprise birthday party Cody said. She's turning.... Old. Zac cut him off. Oh I love surprises Raven told them. And then she got a vision someone saying ready or not here I come in a robotic voice and Erwin sneezing walking toward one of the twins with an ax. And then she came out of her vision. Then they asked her if she was ok because they said she had this weird look on her face and she told them she didn't. When Cody mimicked her face she said she had never made that look on her face before in her life. Something's wrong he concluded. Ok, I don't know how to tell you guys this but I had this feeling that one of you is going to get in trouble.

But unfortunately that was nothing new Zac and Cody are in trouble every day of their lives. Which is exactly what they told her. She said if they heard a bell or a sneeze they should run. Why are you looking at me? Cody asked her. Do you wear sweater vests? She asked him and he was then and there because that was a very Cody thing to do. She told Cody it was nice knowing him and then walked away leaving Cody scared. Back with Raven and Maddie Raven had pulled out her design sketchbook and Maddie wanted to know if she drew them because they were fantastic. She said she did because it was her job. Working girls she told Maddie before doing a made up handshake. And then London came in with a photographer wanting to take pictures for some reason or another.

When Maddie intro Raven to London she went all fan girl on her. Then they got into her photo and she asked the photographer to cut them out. What's with the photos? Maddie asked her. Turns out it was for some kind of magazine. She said tomorrow they were gonna shoot what she wore while she was trying to figure out to wear. What a London thing to say if I ever heard one. Maddie told Raven she and London were like sisters except she was rich and famous and thought that Algebra was a Greek Island. Raven said that was ok because her boss loves her. She said London always wore her bosses designs and gets in the magazines. Maddie suggested that maybe London could wear one of her designs. Oh my goodness you could do that? Raven asked her feeling a little off balance.

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