I'll be back.... In 4 months

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There we (outfit 63) were Sabrina Jake and Hannah at some kind of teens awards thing. They were giving out the award best on screen kiss. Hannah was about to give out the names when Jake stopped her and said that if they had finished their kiss in Zombie High they would've won this thing. I was just there for moral support and Jake wanted Sabrina up there with them and well so did the fans besides these days Hannah and Sabrina do everything with each other as the fans requested and we liked doing things together too. They were up there smiling but they looked so fake. Even though they do like each other. Well Hannah/Miley likes Jake but Jake doesn't know she's both yet. And although Jake is dating someone else he was liking Miley. But she kept turning him down and so he moved on.

It was so awkward up there watching them. She was starring into his eyes that he had to lean over and tell her it was her turn to read. She read the script thing but also she read the blocking directions instead of doing them. I mean.... Then she pushed him over as they awkwardly laughed. Like as if they had been a couple who ended on a bad break up but they still had to pretend to be all buddy buddy for the fans and cameras. They announced the winner but the winner was in Romina doing a movie and it turned out the best on screen kiss was with this boy and his pillow Hannah said it had a hot date with the bunk bed and was supposed to hold for laughter but she said it instead. Like what was the problem? She never acts this nervous. She was so upset that she did it again and then Jake said they would accept the award on the winners behalf. And then she promised she'd do better next time then left the stage the wrong way. As people applauded for them.

They came off stage where Lola was waiting for us. Hannah was upset but Jake laughed and said people like it when they mess up. Besides I think you did great. Both of you. All I did was standing there with you guys. Yeah but we wanted you up there with us. Jake reminded me. It was great to see you Hannah he said giving her the award. Can't wait to see you again so we can finish that kiss. I'll have my people call your people. Cool our people will be waiting. And of course we couldn't finish the show without Sabrina because if you get too nervous again she can always step in. But I don't think that's the case this time. Yeah and that's me I'm their people. Lily said as Lola. Hi I'm Lola. Their most important people. Which is why I may look familiar even though we've never met. Jake was confused as he looked at her. And we gave her the stop talking look. Not even at school or anything. I wish I could've done a face palm as Hannah shook her head looked at her scared like she was just about to expose us with all her rambling. But she made the switch when she corrected herself to say she was homeschooled. In Canada where the moose are. She just wanted stop talking.

He was confused but smiled at her. Ok nice to meet you too bye. He told her as he brushed my shoulder as he walked away. Bye Jake we said in sync. Before turning back to Lola. Where the moose are? I questioned. In Canada where I'm homeschooled? Hannah continued becoming frustrated with her with her "really" tone of voice. Lola way to keep your cover! She scolded her. Oh who cares guess what I heard he broke up with that girl at school she whispered to Hannah changing the subject. That means the zombie slayer is available Lola said. I know I can't wait to go back to school on Monday. Maybe Jake and I can finally get together. But then we heard camera clicks and Lola looked sad. We saw Jake posing with his costar kissing her. Sorry. She said. No I'm fine with it I'm cool. She started sounding upset. I'm really, really fine. She said snapping the head off the award. The next day (outfit 60) on the beach Jake was with his.... Whoever she was.... As people took pictures of them before he asked them to get lost since they had enough pictures to give them some privacy and we were sitting at a table eating ice cream but Miley crushed her cone as it crumbled in her hand and got all over the table. Wow you got it bad. Lily said as Miley looked at her hand realizing what she was doing.

Miley started crying putting her face down on the table. And what's worse is that Jake liked you first and you turned him down otherwise that would've been you over there giving Jake little popcorn kisses. Or you know if it were just Farrah and Jake they would be sitting there pretending to flirt with each other laughing about something stupid and being silly pretending to be the perfect couple playfully feeding each other popcorn or probably in their case starting off like that and then throwing it at each other while he smiled at her as she laughed trying to figure out how to make that sound keep going. Lily continued. Miley got annoyed with her and said she had ice cream on her face before pushing her cone onto her nose. A cute guy walked by about my age or near mine and Miley's asking if we needed napkins. No thanks I'm good. Miley said. Speak for yourself! Lily said annoyed as she took one. But you know what? Miley started. A girl can never have too many napkins. Thanks I'm Miley. I'm Willis he told he told her before she started fake laughing like he'd said something funny. To get Jake's attention. You are so funny. Here take a seat. She pushed him down in the empty seat next to her good thing I was across from her. So, you come here often? No I just moved here from Seattle. I thought he was adorable and sweet but Miley just wanted to try and make Jake jealous. She laughed again confusing the rest of us.

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