Welcome to Zombie High

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Today (outfit 54) Lily Miley and I were in the bathroom before class and Miley had her mouth wide open in horror as she starred into the mirror. So, what do you think over the ears or behind the ears or maybe I'll do one over and one behind? She asked playing with her hair. But then Miley groaned. Lily thought she upset about her choose on her hair but then she groaned again. Behind Lil I told her I mean I always wear my hair back behind my own ears lets people see my face better I mean if they wanted to that is. Stop she whined at me you are so pretty. She complimented. Tell her Miley. But my cousin wasn't listening.

Lily this isn't about your ears and Farrah yes you are very pretty you're my cousin you have the gene. Anyways I'm trying to tell you something. What that your pants are on too tight? Lily asked her. No, guess which pop princess is going to play..... The name of zombie princess I can't pronounce or write..... Zombie princess in the film Zombie High? Hannah Montana! She says after checking the stalls. OMG that's so cool. Lily starts but wait you don't know how to act she corrects herself. Ironic isn't it? ;P

What are you talking about? I act every day that I'm Hannah Montana I act like Oliver's jokes are funny and yesterday I acted like I liked that sweater you wore. Lily was brushing Miley's hair until she got upset at that comment. But in order not to hurt her feelings as she applied lip gloss she said she was kidding. See acting? Do you have any scenes with Jake Ryan? Lily asked her. Miley said she didn't care because she already had to see him at school as it was. But she told me that they were looking for another celebrity extra for the film and if I wanted it I could be in it. But that she wasn't sure about Jake because they hadn't sent her the script yet.

Lily thought that she was denying liking Jake complaining that she was in denial and that she totally had a crush on Jake. Which I agreed with. How could you say that? She asked Lily. And whose side are you on? She asked me. Yours obviously I agreed with her. But you still like him. I shrugged. Even a blind person could see that. Well we know because every time we bring his name up you ACT like you can't stand him. That's NOT acting Miley exclaimed. Then you're the only girl at school that doesn't have a crush on him. Lily then opened her mouth so that Miley could put lip gloss on her. Oh please I think people are starting to see through his phony little game.

Miley even Farrah has a crush on him. Lily pointed out. I do not I just think he's cute and I kind of wouldn't mind if he asked me out that's all. But I don't fan girl all over him like the rest of the school. We left the bathroom and saw him surrounded by girls but only girls with letters A-L in the morning were allowed to be by him until the noon. Then Oliver pulled us over and said that one lucky girl was gonna be asked by Jake to go to the 70s dance with him. And that meant to Oliver that 100+ girls would need a shoulder to cry on and he would be more than happy to be that shoulder. Oh come on Lily turned to Miley you're telling me if Jake asked you to the dance you wouldn't say yes?

Then they got into an "argument" that she was saying yes to saying no and vice versa no matter how much Miley denied it. But then he did and he asked her to the dance followed by his groupies who were sad when she said yes but then changed her mind and said no and they cheered but Jake was upset. Hi Jake I waved at him with a little dignity most people just treated him as a celebrity I had actually wanted to get to know Jake and try to be friends with him and only Miley seemed to see past him. At least for now. He gave me a silent what's up and smile. But then we left. If there was one thing about L.A. that I liked it was the surfing other than that I missed home.

It was after school now and Jake and I had gotten to be good friends since he moved here since I hadn't been here that long either myself. And we'd started by bonding over being new. He'd asked about home life and why I came out here so I'd told him he felt bad for me but I told him it wasn't too bad because I had Miley and my cousins. Who had adopted me as their own. Which made him ask if that more made us sisters which then I said something like that but that it was more complicated than that. That I just didn't feel like family that way whether I loved her like a sister more than just a cousin and as I was an only child Jackson had always been like an older brother to me. But that I don't call Robbie dad. I told him what I missed about home and what I liked here he had laughed when I said mostly just the surfing. That I wasn't really a sunny sunshine heat person.

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