Jealousy doesn't look good on you

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Today (outfit 36) I'm not old enough to be in most classes with Miley and Lily so, I wasn't with them I know since this morning Lily had been going on and on about how there was going to be an actual real life T.V. star in their actual classroom. Which Miley was offended by because Hannah Montana and Sabrina Allison are both real life T.V. stars. All Miley wanted was for Lily to give the guy some space because this one of the reasons why we didn't expose ourselves as Farrah and Miley because people would never treat us the same after that.

I'm sure that's the reason he's here in the first place so he can be treated like a normal kid. Miley reminds her. But he's not a normal kid he's Jake Ryan! Lily exclaimed. Which is like saying she's not a normal kid she's Hannah Montana or she's Sabrina Allison. Only Miley and I have someone to fall back on so that we're not always in the spotlight and have the opportunity to live a normal life. He's the hot zombie slayer on Zombie High. Which I totally watch as well and might as well be one my celebrity crush's but he was too old for me by a couple of years.

And if Jake knew Miley's secret I could totally see them together. I never miss that show! Oliver exclaimed. This is so awesome I'm going to be this close to a famous person he said getting all up in Miley's face. Which is when Miley got all offended by their talk. What are Farrah and I grilled cheese? She asked him. And Lily wasn't helping. Well, when you guys are Farrah and Miley you might as well be besides grilled cheese is really good. Amber and Ashley ran in screaming that he was coming.

And the teacher was not helping he was saying how they should calm down because even though he was Jake Rylan he was still just a normal student here at school. And as he was saying that Jake walked into the room cuteness and all and his pearly white smile. Just a normal student who totally slays zombies. Dude you rock! He tells him. Thanks man but if I could just say something to the whole class before we start. This is so cool the teacher turned to the rest of the class. I know Lily said all dreamy.

Jake went to front of the classroom ready to speak to the class to give his speech about being just a normal person here in school wanting to be treated like a he was one of us and with no special treatment. But humble was not his forte. He told he knew as superstar he knew he was going to be a distraction. And happened to mention he was Tween Magazine's "Hottie of the year" which Lily blurted out with no shame once so ever that she framed the cover. Leaving Jake to admit he did as well. She said she hung it in her bathroom and he said he had too. Oh my gosh we have so much in common we both love you. Lily exclaimed.

But Miley wanted him to get to the point and get him back on track. His point was and then came the speech about how he wanted to be treated just like the rest of us. But then everyone cheered for him to say his famous line just one time. And then he did. Dude I slayed you once don't make me slay you again. He said really getting into the zone to do his line as everyone cheered him on. I can't believe how cool he is Lily said all dreamily. I can't believe how cool he thinks he is Miley said realistically and mockingly. And then after someone form the news came to report on Jake's new normal school life.

They said they wanted just a few shots and to make it look like everything was normal but there was nothing normal about any of this and then she said she wanted makeup on Jake. And wanted him to be surrounded by prettier people. Then everyone gathered around him. Tell me why you don't want people knowing you're Hannah Montana and Sabrina Allison? Oliver asked her as even Lily went to go over. As they were pushed to the side. Because they would treat us just like that she proved her point. After class Miley was pulling Lily through the crowd in the halls by Jake to get through the halls.

And now they came to an empty part. Where I stood watching the spectacle unwind in front of my eyes. So, he's a big T.V. star big whoop?! Miley mocked as she went to her locker and I joined the girls. I think somebodies jealous Lily teased her. But why should she be jealous? We're Hannah Montana and Sabrina Allison for crying out loud not that anyone would ever know that. I don't care that people are falling all over him I care that he's milking it. Oh Mile I really don't understand ya'lls city slang, Milkin' it? He's not milkin' it silly billy. You've been on a farm you know how to milk a cow I know you do. Now that's milkin'. My accent came out real thick before I dropped it.

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