The Cracker

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Miley Oliver and Lilly were all sitting at school having lunch. And where was I? Good question. I told my uncle I didn't feel good. Which wasn't all a lie just a little stretch of the truth. These days I've been feeling more homesick. But it added to the homesick when I started getting bullied. And then proceeded not to tell anyone. Back at home I could've handled it myself. Not that getting into fights was a good thing but hey self defense. Also I would be getting bullied back home for the same reason I am here. You would think that this problem would've already been gone and solved since I'd been there a little bit now. But no. The reason I was of course getting picked on was because I was different because I had an accent and she would pick on me because she said she couldn't understand me and would constantly tell me to shut up or speak English real English like the rest of them or I should move back to the farm where I belong.

Most kinds like my best friend who happens to be gone for a while he finds my accent adorable and loves learning all kinds of new sayings well new to him of course. And of course like people to Oliver and Lilly they never understand what Miley and I or dad is saying when we use slang from back home. But they're not mean about it and they sometimes pick up on it. But never had I ever until this past week been bullied at least not in the fashion I had been and if I had back at home it was settled with wrestling or some other show off stereotypical TN something or other. And we all had accents back home. I haven't lost mine and neither has uncle Robby but unless Miley speaks in slang it's hard to know just by looking at her that she grew up anywhere that wasn't back home. She doesn't even really have her accent anymore. When Jake was at least around I had someone to influence others not to pick on me. And sure Amber and Ashly are bullies too but not to the extent as this bag of bricks was. At this point if things don't get better before they get worse I really just wanna go back home.

I've never encountered a fight I couldn't win but it was different back home. Here I felt so alone. I didn't belong. Lilly and Oliver are Miley's friends and she's really my cousin as is Jackson she's not biologically my sister. I would give anything to have my boys back in my corner again. Having Lukas here and Jake here. They'd fight for me. Well Lukas would fight Jake would snap his fingers and make the problem go away if he wasn't too busy being the center of attention or Miley's new boyfriend for little old me. Anyways while I lay here in my pjs wishing I were back home although pitted for my loss and comforted for the next several months or even the next couple of years no one would treat me the same since I'm so young and never had a dad or any siblings. That's why I came here because Miley and her family have been through it and they came to Cali for a reason they haven't been back to TN since then. I tried to keep sleeping but when I close my eyes I'm back at school surrounded by her. Being teased and bullied and pushed around as I lay there crying in my sleep. After all maybe's she's right. I should just talk like everybody else.

To be honest I think uncle Robby knew I wasn't really actually sick but he let me stay home anyways. Cause he must've known that after all this time I was probably starting to feel homesick. But at school Oliver's lunch was probably making Lilly and Miley sick to their stomachs even though in his defense it was all gonna end up in the same place anyways. And then the trouble started back up again. A boy came in screaming here she comes here she comes. He said something about the cracker and she was a new girl and she looked stereotypical punk. Miley wondered why they called her that as she scared off a table of girls. I didn't know the name of my attacker people say that bullies pick on other kids to make them feel better about themselves and well as she's the new girl now she sure gave me a nice welcome. She's not new really if this is the same person that's been bulling me all week then she's been here all week and it's usually before or after school. She's more verbal with me but more of silent but deadly type when it comes to others. And if it is the same person her actions usually do more of the talking.

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