Looks aren't everything

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Today (outfit 24) Hannah Robby and Sabrina went to the studio to do a skin care ad they only wanted my cousin since she was more famous than me no matter what Hannah said about her best friend. Her sister from another mother. Well.....

Pictures were being taken by the lady Lisa. But then she started singing and we all were cringing at that. Stop, stop, stop Hannah we're doing a skin care ad what's with the face?

I thinks its in reaction to your singing. And who are you? I'm the girls manager. She didn't like that until he said he was also her father and then she ordered someone to get him a chair to sit in. And can we get another seat for my other girl?

Yes of course right away Mr. Montana. Here you are folks. We sat down watching her work as she explained that their skin care ad would on a billboard and wanted her to look a certain way but Hannah had no idea what she wanted from her.

How about say cheese? What I'm saying that if you keep it simple you'll get more out of her. She took his advice started again but this time Robby was doing funny gestures behind Lisa to make Hannah smile and laugh giving Lisa good results.

The next day (outfit 44) we went to the beach. I sat at the bar at Rico's watching Mile and Oliver play basketball until Lilly skated by and knocked Oliver over because she couldn't see. Lilly why aren't you wearing your contacts? Miley asked her.

Because my dog ate them and a tube of toothpaste. And he's been doing this all morning she told us moving her mouth around like a dog eating peanut butter. Lil how are we gonna get a sneak peak of the billboard if you can't see?

I asked her. I'll just imagine her with a big head and covered in pigeons over it. And I know she's giving me a look I just can't see it. Don't you have a pair of back up glasses? Miley asked her. You mean these?

She asked taking out a pair of dorkish glasses putting them on her face. Miley and I wanted to try and make her fee better pretending that they really weren't that bad. Nice try, never let your mother get you glasses the same place they sell tires.

Then a girl named Heather came over and wanted to talk to Lilly about the skateboard finals. I'm so sorry. She tells her. Why? Lilly asked. According to Heather she's beat Lilly every year and was going to do it again come Saturday.

But somehow they managed to talk their way out of Heather still being there looking forward to Saturday. When Heather left Miley tried to give Lilly a high five but Lilly still couldn't see and accidently knocks Miley over.

Then Lilly's phone goes off. It was her mom I watch as Lilly paces back and forth getting upset. Turns out her contacts won't be ready to be picked up until next week and now she didn't want to compete because of her dorky glasses.

But she shouldn't care what she looked like as long she can see and take down Heather in the skateboard finals. I am not competing in front of everyone looking like this she says putting her glasses on upside down.

Lil it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside its the inside that matters. I encourage her. I was just about to say that. Miley cuts me off. Easy for you to say your cousin is the poster child for perfect skin.

Miley switches places with me repeating just louder to her that looks didn't matter. And they didn't. But if I knew my cousin and I do I knew that she was gonna be a hypocrite about the whole thing if the billboard had any flaws.

Meanwhile back at the house. Uncle Robby was upset with Jackson cause his underwear was in the dishwasher. Jackson?! There's something wrong with that boy. When Jackson walks into the house he is upset about something.

Why me why me dad why me? I was just asking myself the same thing when I unloaded these. He shows the underwear to Jackson but he likes that they are whiter and now smell lemon fresh.

What Jackson was upset about was his date with a girl didn't go well. That they were cruising down the road when they ran out of gas and he made her get out of the car and push while he steered. And the girl said it was her worst date ever!

Later Jackson was working and Rico noticed that he asked his dad if he could have a raise and in order to get Jackson the raise Jackson would have to do whatever Rico says.

Which in this case meant dressing like a girl and having an egg smashed over his head in front of a whole crowd of people. Back to us we were on the roof wanting to get a sneak peak of the billboard.

Lilly was on uncle Robby's back on our way back he puts her down and he does a drum roll before revealing the billboard with a big red zit on her face the size of a tomato. When we get back they complain about it to Lisa.

But now that it was Miley's face Lilly knew she was gonna act like this and I knew my cousin would be a hypocrite when it came to her face. Making Lilly not want to wear the glasses all that much more.

But then we repeated our little pep talk about how looks don't matter and when Lilly left Miley was upset. Wanting to get rid of it. And then Jackson came in still dressed in his Tina dress from earlier and later that night we dressed in black with paint.

Miley figured that by the time the unrevealing came around she would have her face back and Lilly will have won and be at the skateboard finals. But once it was covered uncle Robby had caught us and Miley blamed it on Jackson.

Said he made us do it. Then planted a paintbrush in her dad's pocket and asked him why he had a paintbrush in his pocket. He said Jackson made him do it and then said she was his little girl and would always have his her back.

What about me? Jackson asked him. You're my little girl too Tina. Where did Farrah go? I had already made my way down the stairs from the roof. I'm not his little girl I'm just his niece and he only has two hands to hug his two children with.

I wish someone had loved me that much. My father never held me and my mother was dead. I left everything I knew to come to LA. Left the good ol' country life for the city/beach life. And look where that's got me.

The next day (outfit 55) Lilly showed up at the reveal. And Lisa and Lilly were upset that the zit was gone. Lilly is upset that she ended up covering up turns out looks did matter after all.

But then she got at the mic and said that maybe looks didn't not matter but that they weren't everything. That even Hannah Montana isn't perfect. You sure look perfect up there to me. Lilly called.

And sometimes I look like this. She throws a bucket of water at the billboard to reveal the zit. She said she didn't care if people took pictures of her and her zit and people shouldn't care more about looks and make them stop doing what they love doing.

She was ok with the photos now but then a bird pooped on her shoulder and wasn't so crazy about that. Turns out Lilly won this time even with her dorky glasses.

And thanks to Rico and his magic trick Jackson did his own trick to distract Rico dumping seaweed on him turns out he got the raise but at what cost now the girl he likes and wanted to go out with didn't want to because of Rico.

At home uncle Robby and Jackson were cleaning their clothes in the dishwasher and drying them from the fan and uncle Robby didn't totally hate it. It actually made them look and smell better. 

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