You can't be in two places at once

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We were all down at the beach today (outfit 53) and Miley was starring off into space watching some cute guy she had a crush on in his suffer gear, eating nachos, while the rest of us tried to get her attention.

She can't hear you, Lily told Jackson's friend who was with us. When she gets like this she has no idea what she's doing. Watch, she says as to prove it by tossing a napkin into her food and watching as she tries to stick the paper in her mouth.

Mile?! Miley?! Lily and I called to her to make her snap out of it, while she had this dumbfound goofy grin on her face. Why don't you just go over there and ask Josh out Lily encouraged. Cause I started, back in Tennessee we all don't do things like that. It would definitely take sometime before my accent went away, but when I sing or as my Sabrina self there's no accent, but I can fake it pretty darn good.

Well girls you're in California now and here we do those kinds of things. Besides, he probably doesn't know you're even alive. Lily stated. Not helping Lil. I scolded her. She's right Lily this is the worst pep talk ever. Miley agreed with me.

Look Miley you want a pep talk then here's one you're Hannah teen pop sensation Montana and you guys are gonna be live in front of thousands of people on Saturday, Josh is just one guy just picture him as another fan. That's right Josh is just one guy I can do this, I just need to channel that inner Hannah charm. Miley agreed with her.

But that blew up in her face when she channeled too much Hannah and not enough Miley. And freaked out both herself and Josh who was more confused then he was freaked out and she was really embarrassed and grabbed Lily and I and pulled her along with her as we ran away.

At dinner that night we were sitting at the kitchen table having dinner and Miley was telling dad that we had to move, and I'm sure he asked for an explanation and she was now in the middle of giving the short version of the story, but all uncle Robby had to say to that story was, sorry darlin' and then the phone went off.

And when it was Josh calling and he said it was for Miley she told him to tell whoever was on the phone to give them an excuse why she couldn't come to the phone, but then he embarrassed her and she rushed to take the phone from him, as I tried to keep in my laughter. As she started twirling her hair actin' all sweet and flirty.

When she got off the phone she was glad Josh had asked her out however the new problem was after all that because she's still in 8th grade and he's a freshman uncle Robby wasn't gonna let her go on the date cause she was only in middle school and he was a teenage boy.

Jackson tried to help by saying that if he was anything like himself.... He stopped tryin' to help and told him that instead he had to meet this boy. Yeah, me too he needs all of our approval big sister. I agreed. And uncle Robby agreed that he needed to meet this boy too. Before she could go anywhere with him.

The next morning (outfit 19)we were waiting for Josh to come to the house, and she was freaking out telling us all to be calm when he comes into the house and for her dad not to be funny because he wasn't. But he said he cracks himself up all the time. Yeah his jokes aren't all that bad sometimes Mile.

That's another thing, while Josh is here use your American accent and don't forget to add that y on the end. Ok. I nod my head. She said she was gonna sit on the couch and act causal, but then she struck a pose and Josh came in and said she looked hot and uncle Robby didn't like that he asked Josh how he was looking and he said he was very handsome. And whose this cute little girl here?

My little sister, she said wrapping her arms around me with a big smile on her face while I nuzzled up next to her wrapping my arms around her as well. Well that's just precious. I like 'im. Him I said him I corrected. He kept calling Robby sir and trying to be nice and polite, and Miley was feeling the awkward tension and wanted to go do whatever they were gonna be off to go do.

But Robby didn't want them to leave that fast, but Miley said she liked fast, fast food, fast lane, fast-forward and goodbye. When Josh came in and started on the hot and handsome he'd told him he had to get his foot out of his mouth and now that he said he liked guitars but that some other singer's guitars were better and that surely Robby knew that now he had the second foot in it.

Miley tried to break it up before there was a fight she said that it was interesting how they had their own opinions and had to like a guy that said how he feels. I knew that wasn't gonna end well the moment it started. Examples were burgers vs hotdogs, and skiing vs snowboarding but it was bad when he said that some people liked Hannah Montana, and knew who Sabrina Allison was, and that he had no idea who she was and that he thinks that Hannah sticks and that he wasn't afraid to say so now he'd crossed the line, and this wasn't good.

And now he was choking on a third foot in his mouth and we couldn't believe what he had just said. Down at the beach Jackson was working at the shack and trying on the sunglasses doing different impressions. A cute girl came up and starting talking with him, and by talkin' I mean flirtin' with him and laughing at his dumb jokes and silly impressions, flirtingly pushing her hair back away from her face.

She said her name was Oliva and that she was visiting in from school, and needed something fun to do while she was here. Jackson said he got off in 10 and she went to go pack up her stuff and that's when Cooper came over and Jackson told him what just happened to him.

Too bad when he pointed her out, after telling him how great of a girl she was it turns out it was Cooper's little sister, that was not good. But then Oliva acted like a good little girl and told Cooper Jackson was making up lies when he told him he had a date with her tonight but he had no idea it was his sister. But behind his back she gave him a flirty little wave. You know this reminds me of a song. 

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