Give him his job back

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There we were (outfit 77) Miley and I sitting at the piano Miley was working on I've got nerve while Jackson loudly played a video game. Kind of like Mario Kart. And she kept getting interrupted because of the sounds the game was making. Jackson I'm trying to practice for the American teen music awards she told him. As if he cared. Because he didn't. Don't worry you're not bothering me. He told us. But you're brothering me. She scolded him. Oh right he started before he continued with I don't care. So she got up and I rolled my eyes after and got up as well. As she sat down next to him watching him play. Can I play next? I asked him. Don't encourage him Miley playfully scolded me. Anyways Jackson you have your own car so here's a idea. Why don't you get in it and drive away?! Because a real car needs real gas and real gas costs real money.

And Rico doesn't pay me a real lot of that. Then just ask him for a raise. Miley started. Wow ask him for a raise that sounds like a great idea. Except I already did that and it's never going to happen. Rico is vicious ruthless and completely inflexible. He reminded us. So we went to the beach with Lilly. And he was doing the Tango with a broom. He looks pretty flexible to me Miley said with disgust after we saw him dip and kiss the broom. While Lilly and I looked on in confusion. He looks a little lonely to me Lilly said. Yeah well Jackson can't leave the house and stop getting on Miley's nerves unless his boss gives him a raise. Why he's working for like a 10 year old when there are so many better jobs out there I'll never know. He's older and bigger than him he could work somewhere else.

Wish me luck she announced. Just remember. Lilly started as she got down on her knees. Follow the yellow brick road she teased. As Miley walked up to Rico. Hey Rico that's one lucky broom Miley started. Can it toots he told her. I'm practicing my Tango he told us as if he didn't see us watch him dancing with it just a min ago. Have you gotten taller? She asked him looking into his eyes getting on his level. You're brother's not getting a raise he shook his head at her knowing that's why we were here. I wasn't going to say that but fine maybe I was.... I'll make you a deal honey. He cut her off. I'll talk to my dad about giving him a raise if one of you will be my dance partner for my ballroom dance competition. He pointed between the two of us. She's all yours Miley pushed me at him. Hey?! Ballroom dancing? Miley teased. You can laugh but chicks dig it he told us. And I dig chicks he sent her a kiss. While we both looked disgusted. So what do you say? If you wash my back I'll wash your brothers. First ew. She exclaimed. Second it's scratch. And 3rd again ew.

Fine no dance partner no raise. He told her. Fine then no smiley Miley. Listen here bub she picks him up by his shirt. Look my brother's sick of being pushed around by you and he ain't gonna work here anymore unless you give him a raise she told him. Ok you win. He told us. Really? She asked hopefully. Yep he's fired. He tells us. Really? She frowns. This was not good. Not only would he not have money he doesn't a job to try and make money with. And that's not even what Jackson said he only wanted a raise not that he was sick of Rico pushing him around or that he was gonna quit if he didn't. Miley had made all of that up. When we got back Jackson was wearing his Rico's shirt. Hey Jackson where are you going? She asked him. He said he was going to go see a movie with a girl but instead he decided to go make minimum wage for 6 hours at Rico's. Which was kind of a problem considering the mess Miley just made for him and his job. You know we've been thinking and you're right that little runt doesn't pay you enough. You should quit. I'm not gonna quit! He told us. You're right he is not worth your time or trouble she continued trying to cut him off so that he wouldn't find out he was fired.

I'll quit for you. She said sounding like she was gonna do it with a heavy heart as she grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her. Miley! He called out to us. No need to thank me that's what we do. She told him. Miles what did you do?! And please tell me you didn't get our cousin involved! She tried to feed me to the wolves to save herself. I crossed my arms. Well see I may have asked Rico to give you a raise. She started and it didn't exactly go as she had hoped I finished my stance not changing. What did he do did he cut back on my hours?! He panicked. Just a tad. She told him. So we walked to the beach. You know what Jackson I bet Rico will see how dead the shop is without you and beg to take you back. Except it was more busy than its ever been. And why? He'd already been replaced by Oliver and he was doing tricks. What happened why is it so busy? Jackson asked and then Rico showed up. He said he hired a professional. He felt that firing Jackson was the best choice he ever made. Then Jackson picked him up by his shirt. Look Rico I want my job back! Again with the lifting. He said as Jackson put him back down. Sorry it's just that it wasn't my fault. He's right it was mine. Miley corrected. There's gotta be something I can do she begged him. Do you still need a dance partner she asked him?

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