When you get revenge on someone else sometimes it hurts you too

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We (outfit 32)were at school in class and Oliver fell asleep in class and Amber and Ashly had put lipstick on him and wrapped a feather boa around his neck and then woke him up by making him kiss and orange.

And then they started making fun of him and telling bad orange jokes that everyone laughed at. Poor Oliver. And then Miley and Lily walked in and told them not to pick on Oliver and then made things worse by telling them only they could pick on him.

And he got offended, and then they said they could've easily said he'd make an ugly girl but that they didn't they didn't even though they did say they knew it was true.

And then he got offended again and then the teacher had walked in and told the class it was time for a pop quiz everyone rushed to their seats moaning and groaning.

First question who can tell me why this is the worst day of my life? Oliver raises his hand. Oliver says he thinks he got passed over as principle again.

Thank you Oliver, poke the bear with the stick, BTW that is not your color he says to his lipstick. No, he tells them he lost a bet with another teacher. I am now this years chaperon of this years class camping trip.

Everyone moans and groans. Don't moan it will be fun. It will be great, he tells them. The only person not complaining is Miley who says that we go all the time. And if my sister were our age I could ask her to come with us.

She can't can she? She asks. Only if a legal adult brings her down because if something bad happens to her I can't legally be held responsible. But look at that see Ms. Miley sunshine is trying to turn my frown upside down.

He said it was very sweet but right this moment terribly annoying as he then passed out the forms to give to our parents to sign for this field trip. So that you can spend 24 hours with me and no indoor plumbing.

As he hands out the forms Amber and Ashly both ew and complain in sync. I don't want to go to the bathroom in the woods, I don't even like going here. They say disgusted.

But when the two groups start fighting and almost get caught Miley lies and says they just can't wait to know each other better this weekend. Which is good for the teacher and bad for them because he tells them they'll be sharing a tent together.

But what if my sister ends up joining us? Then she'll sleep in the same tent as the adult that brings her. At home uncle Robby is doing sit ups trying to make it to 100 and is almost there and his motivation is his chocolate cake.

It had been the next morning, Miley didn't want to go on the field trip now that she had to share a tent with A&A and had doted her face with red marker to make it look like she had the chicken box.

But as she dramatically was "sick" next to him he first told her that she was too sick to go on that trip and if she was too sick to do that he'd cancel the interview he'd made for Hannah to go talk to Taylor Kingsford.

But then he showed her the evidence on his hand from when he was taking her temperature. I'm healed she exclaimed. He understood that she just didn't want to share a tent with A&A but that sometimes she just had to make the best out of a bad situation.

In that case I'm gonna need a jar of honey and 1,000 red ants and nightfall. She says biting into his cake. And I'm gonna say to you the same thing I said to your mother.... Keep your mitts off my cake.

Mi I know you don't get along very well with those girls but stooping down to their level just isn't the answer. How do we really know that if we haven't tried. She asks him.

She said taking back the cake. You remember that kid that used to pick on Jackson all the time? He asked her. And then Jackson snuck into the bathroom and put glue all over the toilet seat, turns out if he hadn't had slipped it would've worked.

And that when they had to take him to ER it had given them a great a laugh. But my point is, he said taking the cake back from her, that if you're gonna lie down with dogs you're gonna wake up with fleas. Not if I wear a flea collar.

As a favor to me, be a better person. But I already am a better person. Good, then you won't drag me into it either. I said coming down the stairs also still in my pjs.

Awe come on sis please? She begged me. Not gonna happen Mile, this is your class trip I'm not old enough to go and besides the last time I went camping I got poison ivy for like 2 weeks.

My point is why do I have to act like the better person if I already am the better person? After Miley promised that she'd be the better person he gave her the cake and then an alarm went off and he got up.

Wanna share that cake with you're favorite sister? Fine, have a seat. She handed me a fork as we shared the cake together. It turns out a mouse was chewing on the wires again and uncle Robby wanted to get rid of it.

But Miley was upset that he couldn't do that because it was a living creature and that she'd already named it Lind because it meant pretty in Spanish or whatever. And also he just gave her the lecture of being the better person.

As Miley and her friends walked through the forest Oliver had been using this strange accent filming things pretending that he was some survival T.V. show guy and was dressed like he was going on Safari.

And when they made it to the part where they were supposed to be camping all in perfect sync they dropped their stuff onto the ground.

He wanted everyone to set up their tents and get into them and pray for the next 24 hours because that's what he said he was going to be doing himself.

When Lily wanted to get into trouble and shoot rocks at them out of her sling shot Miley stopped before she could. But after doing something incredibly stupid Lily pulled her away before it could get worse.

Look, I promised my dad I'd be the better person. Well I didn't! Lily said as she tried to go cause trouble. Lily please. I can't do this without you.

Help me because you're my friend. No she told her. Because you know its the right thing to do? No she told her again. Because Farrah I are gonna be on Taylor Kingsford you're favorite show tomorrow night?

Yeah why didn't she come? Because last time she went camping she got poison ivy for 2 weeks and she's not our age and she also begged me to be the better person and not make her come.

Besides if you don't help me I'm not taking you. She warns Lily. That was the motivation Lily needed. Why don't pitch the tent, build a fire and cook ourselves a big pot of friendship? Miley encouraged.

When Lily tried to shoot rocks at them as they walked away Miley tried to stop them again and the rock hit their teacher in the butt instead and he thought he got bit by a bug.

When A&A bailed they had to put up the tent by themselves which Lily thought would take forever. Ask me to chase trunks on my skateboard I can do that, but a tent will take forever.

But as she was complaining Miley was already done setting the tent up. Back at home Robby and Jackson were trying to catch Linda they'd even put a plate of cheese out for her and then he turned to yell at Jackson and she was gone.

I was gonna tell you if you stop looking at the plate maybe the mouse would come. He was right but they were still short a mouse caught in a net. And I wanted absolutely no part to play in this mouse catching business, I already got too much of that back at home.

When the guys were arguing over how to put together a tent Miley stepped in and put it up for them. Only problem was then after that A&A came back and took the credit for Miley setting up the tent.

And they copied everything Miley and Lily had done making the teacher feel bad for them because he didn't see everything that did or in this case didn't happen. Which was totally unfair.

Things went well with the apology until Lily added "two evil lying nasties to her apology and everyone wanted to go home. And when it got later at night Miley and Lily were washing things in a basin by hand.

Oliver had his own problems his tent mate had, had 5 helpings of beans on purpose. They were all having problems tonight. But at least it was almost over.

A&A came over to "Apologize" and then "accidently" pushed the clean dishes onto the ground and now they would have to clean them all over again.

After that the girls were done trying to be the bigger person and now it was time to get their revenge. At home I'd somehow been roped into helping Jackson set mouse traps all over the kitchen while uncle Robby tried to go after Linda with a plunger.

I'm impressed son and Farrah. Now Jackson why don't you come on over here? The floor was covered and so had been most of the surfaces as Jackson tried to maneuver his away around the kitchen without hurting himself but then he fell onto them anyways and I was safe because I was in the safe zone as I'd helped to hand him the traps and not get stuck.

Meanwhile inside the tent A&A were sleeping and Miley and Lily were ready to get their revenge going. When a twig snapped and startled the girls awake.

Outside they got Oliver in on their plan to pretend to be a bear. What is that thing? IDK, it could be a bear or a mountain lion.... Miley started. But whatever it is, it sounds hungry. Lily finished.

Miley pretended to act like she was going to go to the ranger station and get help but then pretended to get taken by the wild animal and the girls screamed.

She then pretended to get into a fight with the bear and Oliver made twig snapping noises as she cried out in pain that she broke her legs and her arm.

Lily went sailing out of the tent next. While the 3 hid A&A screamed and ran out of the tent. Too bad they had no idea that they were now standing in poison ivy. But they would find out soon enough.

They ran into the "bathroom" where the other boy was and closed the door behind them. Then it tipped over. In the morning we'd spent most if not all of the night trying to catch Linda and now Robby was lying on the couch with a piece of string and cheese tied to it.

She ran away with the cheese still until she was inside the piano. But now that the mouse had a gifted music talent Robby didn't want Jackson to get rid of it anymore.

And then there we were (outfit 41) preforming for the Taylor Kingsford show with Miley on stage and me having just left the stage as she did her song

and after we were announced that he was gonna talk to us and Lola Lily was standing in the wings watching with excitement.

But before we could go on she got a call from Oliver. Hey Oliver what do you want? I'm kind of busy. He said they had been standing in poison oak the other night and now they were all starting to itch. Except for me because I hadn't been there.

I had to completely restrain myself form laughing at her and Lily when I saw them scratching. She'd told me everything when they got back home. And he asked her about doing anything bad and she learned the hard way that just like her dad said that if she was gonna get down with the dogs you WILL end up with fleas.

And she said she was doing a new dance move call the scratch and boy was it contagious then asked for a mic as she scratched her back with it and stomped around. She gestured me to come up there and "dance" with them and how can I say no they looked ridiculous.

You stood in poison ivy didn't you? I whispered into her ear. Poison oak and yes. She said through gritted teeth. And at home they were watching a recording of it on the T.V. and Miley was covered in pink stuff and mittens.

Robby said he never got tired of watching himself be right. But then Jackson started teasing her and saying it was contagious and she got up and chased him around the living room wondering if he wanted to know if it was truly or not.

And uncle Robby had even introduced me the mouse living in the piano and we chattered her up and made her play some ending music as it all ended.

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