Aren't crossover fun? part 3

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Last time on the last two parts found in my Wizards of Waverly Place fan fiction Justin and their Farrah had won a teen cruise to Hawaii and Hannah and I would preforming once we got there and Lola with us. Cody was trying to get tickets for his girlfriend Bailey but it was sold out but because we'd met the boys once before and we remembered meeting them back in the day we gave them tickets to see us. Let's finish this shall we?

Attention students the announcer said on the loud speaker. We have arrived in Hawaii. And there we were (outfit 82) in our room where we had been the last 5 days and we couldn't leave because Lilly said she lost her lip gloss. Lilly said it wasn't stupid because it had sunblock in it and it tasted like coconut. Here's an idea Miley turned to her friend. We're in Hawaii buy a coconut! She told her. Oh like neither of you ever forget anything? She questioned. We're professionals and I have a checklist. She told her. Wig got it. Single pink glove got it. Ma'ams lucky anklet. She looked down and freaked out that she didn't have it. I don't have mine either. I frowned putting hands to my cheeks in panic.

Lilly made fun of us since Miley had just scolded her about the same thing but we went right to work trying to find them. It has to be in here somewhere and neither of us are going to stop until we find them. Found it! Lilly exclaimed. One of our anklets? Miley asked her and I looked on hopeful. No my lip gloss. Lilly you know my mother gave me that anklet and it was the last thing Farrah's mom gave her they gave it to us as a matching good luck set. They each had one and they gave them to us they are the only things we have to remember them by. Right I'm sorry I'm looking. She apologized as we got back to work.

It's like a lucky charm it feels like she's on stage with us. I remind them. But as we were looking Mosby knocked on the door and we had him come in. Ms. Montana Ms. Allison the helicopter is here to take you both to rehearsal he told us. We thanked him but we asked him to give us a couple more mins but that was kind of a problem because we couldn't wait. He said the wind from the helicopter spinning was wrecking havoc on the hula class. Said that grass skirts were flying everywhere and it wasn't pretty then ushered for us to come with him. Lilly we have to find them. Miley told her. Look I know they're important to you but we'll find them when we get back she promised.

You're right we just don't feel right not having them with us. I cut her off. As we took each other's hands in comfort. Farrah Miley it's ok it's just rehearsal nothing bad is going to happen. But it did. She never should've said that. It's like saying "what could possibly go wrong?" When we came back Miley said it was the worst rehearsal ever. It wasn't that terrible she tried to cheer us up. The lighting guy booed. I confirmed. We hadn't let go of each other's hands unless we were actually on stage. As long as we had each other we thought nothing could possibly get worse. But that's like saying "well at least it can't get any worse." Which we all know it very well could do just that.

Lilly tried to comfort us and say that he probably was talking to the sound guy but Miley confirmed that unless boo's last name was "you stink" she highly doubted that. Lilly lets face it everything went wrong because we didn't have our mother's matching anklets. Miley cut her off. First of all we know the anklets are in this room so we're going to find them. Lilly promised us. Miley and I went into the bathroom we take turns changing in there. Lilly felt rehearsal only went badly because we were so nervous. It's not like either of them have magical powers and now the two of you are doomed to live lives of terrible things.

But then when she said that she was maybe she was wrong and we were right. But then the announcer said a student's pet rat escaped and if we find it call housekeeping. And then we screamed. There was a rat on Miley's head. Is he big? Lilly asked. As we exited the bathroom. You tell me! She told Lilly because she couldn't see him. Some time later we had searched the whole room and all we found were rat footprints in Lilly's makeup. Miley and I were insistent that they were in here because she remembered that I was helping her do he toenails last night and she got up to get a bottle of water. But they were empty because Lilly had drank them all because they said free on them.

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