Two wrongs don't make a right

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On T.V. it was supposed to be like American Idol and the host was talking to a boy that had just sang with Shakira and was gonna get a record deal and would talk to him after the show but that they had to say goodbye two other kids who he said had a fine career ahead of them as long as it wasn't singing. Ouch! That's gotta hurt. Luke and I were back in TN watching this all happen and I was planning on going home. I felt it was probably safe for me to come back home. I'd tried to get him to come back with me but he insisted on staying there. That we'd see each other soon. I packed my stuff back up the stuff I'd taken with me it had been a good couple of weeks since then.

On the screen the losers were leaving in tears and he was saying that next week 3 people would try their hand at getting their own record deal. And would get a chance to sing with not one but two teen pop sensations. Hannah Montana and Sabrina Allison. Hannah was of course there and they showed my face because Hannah said I had to fly back home for a family emergency but that I'd be back by then. And she told them next week we could really pump up the party. And at school she was excited about how we would doing the singing with the stars thing but Lilly should've really toned it down were she any louder she might have completely exposed our secret. And hoped that I'd be back by then. And at hearing her talk about me Miley was upset.

And then she placed a comforting hand on her back when she realized what she had said. I just want her to come home. Miley blinked back her tears. I failed her Lilly she didn't feel safe and I couldn't protect her. She's going through a lot right now and the last thing she needs is to feel unwelcomed because she's different. It's been about two weeks she disappeared but at least I know where she's been and who she's been with. They sat down and the people at the table got up and moved away and then Oliver came over to talk to them. He told them that he had bad news because Amber and Ashley's cool list came out again and that explains why people got up and left. Turns out both of them were tied for dead last with Dandruff Danny and Oliver didn't want to be seen talking to them either because he finally made it to the top 100 and that I was somewhere in the middle pages because while I was related to Miley and wasn't popular like them I was still the mysterious new girl with a cool accent and I couldn't be uncool if I wasn't there. And people like new kids they're ripe for the picking not at the top because they're not popular but not at the bottom because they're still cooler than the people down there.

After Oliver left saying he'd see them after dark Amber and Ashley came in. Hey look everybody a couple of last place losers in their native habitat still eating as if they had a reason to live. They teased. Miley tried to stand up for the both of them by taking the list and telling them how bogus it was just like them. She tried to take a stand by trying to get everybody with her on it to tear the list to shreds to show them they didn't care about who was cool and who wasn't but when she did no one else did. No one had her back. She stood on a chair and the moment she started ripping the list everyone left. After lunch them met back up in the hallways. Ok so maybe there are people that care about the list but Miley was convinced that there were still some decent people in school that could think for themselves. And those were the people she wanted as her friend. Someone like Sarah but then they approached her and she said she couldn't be her lab partner anymore because after school she had to read to the blind and serve punch for the blood drive and hose down the cages at the animal shelter.

But Miley knew she was lying because she read to the blind yesterday. She tried to explain that she took an extra shift. But Miley wasn't stupid she knew that she was ditching her because of the list. She said she wasn't but then she saw Amber and said she was charitable not stupid and walked away. When Amber came into the hallway a girl behind her was begging her to come to her party. The girl felt it would be a total disaster without her. That's where she was wrong it would be more of disaster with her because people care too much about what the popular kids think. Amber that was so true as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. But she had an audition for singing with the stars. And if they had any taste she would be one of the two people singing with Hannah and Sabrina on Saturday night. And then she excused herself to go to the bathroom because she hadn't looked at herself in the last half an hour. While Miley was giving up on getting rid of the list she would try and stop Amber from singing with us.

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