Family is more important than being popular

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I know you heard me say that at the beginning the announcer says Hannah is already 14 years old, but that's not true until today.

Today is Miley's birthday. And it makes sense because when your 13-14 you're still in middle school depending on when your birthday is, and in your freshmen year of high school you're 14-15 and there's a whole other story about Mile starting High school. 

Today (outfit 43)as Sabrina Hannah and Sabrina were at the mall with everyone lined up around the block wanting to buy and wear Hannah Montana clothing. And there was Roxie making sure no one got too close or too creepy or had any metal or anything dangerous that could hurt either of us.

We love her but she's a bit extreme even if she just wants what's best for us. I know I know my outfit isn't popstar perfect or whatever but I'm not like other girls. Even though I'm still in middle school, but so is my cousin. Even if we are about a year apart age difference. I'll be 13 soon and she's turning 14.

In the store Lola was looking at clothes and the manager person was like if you're just looking then she wanted her to leave. But Lola stalked over to us and we started talking about how lucky and happy we were that so many people had come and that the store gave Hannah and I our own mannequin's, even if everyone was probably mostly there just to see Hannah, since I'm not as famous yet.

But she looked around for her dad and saw him shopping for her birthday present, but Lola thought it was something really cool but Miley told Lily that when her mom was around she always bought the birthday presents and that her dad had no sense of style, and still thinks of Miley as little girl, and doesn't know what to get her.

When we got back home (outfit 7)we went through our closet and Lily and I watched as Miley pulled out clothes and when Lily thought they couldn't be that bad she turned to her other "closet" of failed birthday presents of clothing picked by her dad. Exabit A. A bright pink frilly girly dress Miley told us that the dresses never made it out of the house.

She purposely got tomato juice on that one and that dress had been from 2 years ago. The next year she purposely got spaghetti sauce on that one was a pastel blue that looked better on a table cloth. Then why didn't you just tell your dad that? Lily asked him. Cause Lil Mile can't tell her dad that cause it would hurt 'is feelings, and he sits with her and gives her big ol' puppy dog eyes and says.... Both: I picked this out for you bud.

So, what are you gonna do its not like he's just gonna take you with him? Lily asked. Lil you're a genius! He won't take her but he might be willing to take us with him. And when uncle Robby messes up even with us there I'll just buy ya want you want anyways. I can always count you. She hugged me.

Meanwhile Jackson and Cooper were bringing in Miley's birthday cake and Jackson wanted to show his dad he could be responsible that he was lucky it made it this far and not had messed up and wanted it to stay perfect until her birthday. And wanted to get it out to the garage and couldn't wait to see the look on his dad's face when he saw it but then Robby started coming in and they collided.

The next day (outfit 15) Miley, Lily and I were at the mall where her dad was looking for a present for Mile and Miley was gonna go hide and watch us, while we helped him pick. So that she wouldn't get caught. When we saw him we asked him what he was doing here. I'm still looking for that something special for my little girl.

Question is what are you doin' here Farrah? Well, Lily and I came lookin' for that something special for my big sister too. I want to get her the perfect gift. We figured we could help you out. Sounds like a great idea girls. How about this one? It was purple tydeid tank top. I thought it was cute but Miley gave it a thumbs down.

Well, uncle Robby I like it, but it doesn't really look like something Mile would wear. Yeah I agree I'm gonna have to give it a thumbs down, and suggest it look better on Farrah. Lily agreed. But Miley got caught snooping so she got kicked out and decided to pose as the mannequin instead so that she could still watch us.

So, she had to get our attention somehow. As we walked by she tapped Lily's shoulder and lowered to tap at my side. Lily turned around and I jumped. Sorry Farrah did I bump into you? Lily? Farrah? Whoa! Lily *gasped* what did you girls find something? Her dad asked us.

We sure did, but this time it was a pink shirt with stripes which was still cute I wouldn't wear it cause it's pink but Miley also turned it down and Lily said but I hate it. We went over to another section of the store and a woman walked by with a black or maybe brown jacket that Miley liked and then dropped it on us. Robby saw it and asked about it and since Miley picked it we know that she liked it.

And we went to go pay for it. But I knew he'd be back, and I'd have to pick it up. Meanwhile the guys came back with a second cake. But this time they got locked out of the house and then the cake got messed up again cause a pelican wanted to eat it and had pushed it off the table.

The very next day (outfit 40) was her birthday and we were all sitting around with her watching her open presents. She opened the bag from Lily that had a blackish brownish flower purse that she said would look good with her jacket. Yes it will I whispered to her. Next she opened Jackson's present they were sheepskin seat covers for his car but so that she'll have something nice to sit in when he's driving us around everywhere.

Next it was her dad's turn but it wasn't what she thought it was which is why I'd gone back and gotten it for her instead inside was pink kitty shirt that meowed when you squeeze its nose I almost wanted one of my own. And the best part of it was that it had a tail in the back it was so cute but I wonder if it came in a different color.

What about you Farrah? You can open mine later, I actually don't know what I did with it. But its probably in the closet. Meanwhile she said she'd wear it for an hour to make her dad happy and then find a way to destroy it. She thought no one except for us would ever see it on her until her dad called us out onto the deck where a bunch of her friends from school and Amber and Ashly were waiting for her to take pics for the school yearbook.

Turns out Oliver knew about the whole thing and how hard it was to keep a secret from all of us and everyone was sent to the beach it sounds like all of her grade showed up for her birthday. But she didn't want anyone to see her wearing it. And meanwhile Jackson was supposed to have the cake ready and brought down to the beach in an hour.

In the kitchen Jackson was trying to make a new cake when Cooper came in to help and then seeing the disaster he made he told him he'd help and that they needed to start over. But the truth was is that I knew he'd mess up and I had one stored away that I made myself to look just like the original.

Miley and Lily and I had gone to hide out in the bathroom but AA were waiting with their phones to take a picture of her dorky cat sweater. And the worst part is was that they're the yearbook editors. But then Oliver came over with a huge orange balloon. But then the girls came back over and popped it, and took a bunch of pics of it.

But Oliver admitted he knew how she felt cause his grandma got him the puppy dog one for Christmas and it barks jingle bells. But while we were trying to hide her sweater Lily and Oliver were going off on it being the dorkiest sweater ever. But what they didn't know was that Robby was standing right there, and heard what they said and even if Miley didn't say it she still felt bad.

But even though Miley hated it she said she loved it because it was given to her by someone she cared a lot about and it was better than the coolest outfit in the world then named the cat mittens and squeezed his nose. But then Roxie came and scared them away she's always got our back, but they ran right into the cake and got their pics taken and were horrified.

When we got back she went to go join her dad on the deck. They agreed to let her go with him and pick the clothes and that she'd still pretend to look surprised, but now it was little sister to the rescue. He said he saw a bunch of clothes she would've liked but couldn't make himself buy them because he still thought of her as his little girl and she was growing up too fast.

Well lucky you, you've got another little girl to spoil. And she says she's got something that will save the day. But first Oliver had his Christmas sweater and they barked and meowed to jingle bells. Wait you guys don't leave yet. This little sister is gonna save the end of the day. Open my present Mile, I'm sure you're gonna love it. Then we can have cake.

She opened it and inside was the jacket she wanted. I had a feeling he'd go back and return it so I got it for you anyways. You are the best little sister ever. She hugged me. Hold up?! Cake? The cake got destroyed. I smirked getting up from the coach, and went to the fridge. I knew you'd mess up so I made one myself and kept it out of harms way.

Farrah, I'm gonna get you! Jackson teased as he chased me back and forth around the counter. We would call it an Island at home. I had two cakes to pick up, tried to make my own Cooper made one and you tell me you've had one in perfect form this whole time?! You're saying it all wrong Jackson you should be thanking me big brother. I giggled.

I was only trying to help. You can run but you can't hide. He chased me up the stairs. Well she did save the day even if she didn't tell anyone she did it. But at least she started calling us brother and sister. Yeah if only I could get 'er to call me dad. Baby steps dad, baby steps.

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