I miss the open road

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Today (outfit 34) Miley and I were with her dad in Boston at the Tipton hotel getting ready to go back home when Maddie came in and Robby was also in costume still she was a big fan of Hannah, and Sabrina and her mom was a big fan of Miley's dad. I was all packed and ready to go but Miley needed help making her suitcase zip up with everything she had in it.

Darlin? Her dad called. Are you all packed up yet? We gotta get to the airport. Almost got it she called to him as I held a hand over my mouth to keep from giggling. Oh stop standing over there and come over here and help me get this closed. She "scolded" me. Sure thing Mile. I sat my suitcase up against the wall and threw my body at the bag like she had been doing.

Jumping up and down on it. But the bag would not close. She asked her dad if he had any room in any of his other bags but he said no, and neither did I. That's when Roxie showed up with Maddie. Excuse me Ms. Montana and Ms. Allison.... There's a girl out here that says she wants to see you claims her name is Maddie and that she works at the candy counter.

Do you want me to tell her you girls aren't here? She asked us. Which didn't make sense since we could see her face to face. But they're right there I can see them. Maddie told Roxie. Not if Hannah's body guard says you can't. Now that we were together preforming like our fans wanted us to be Roxie was still technically Hannah's body guard not mine. Sorry Hannah Sabrina I can't see you. BTW Hannah I like your top and Sabrina your whole outfit is totally cute. She said under her breath and winked.

It's ok Roxie she's our friend she can come in. You're in luck they're in here. She tells Maddie. Hey?! I've got my eyes on your she warned Maddie. As soon as the door was closed.... Glad she's not my personal bodyguard. I mumbled shaking my head. Maddie just girl we were hoping to see come sit on my suitcase for me. Sabrina get on up there with her. Wait until I tell my friends I sat on Hannah Montana's suitcase with Sabrina Allison. She said excited.

So, uh now that you two are officially preforming together.... How do you know each other? Oh Sabrina and I? We go way back she's my best friend practically family, we're as close as sisters. Miley told her. Love you too Hannah I giggled and winked. Aw how sweet is that? Maddie cooed. Darn even with your combined weight you guys still aren't heavy enough. Here girls take these books. She handed us each a fairly good sized bunch of books as she came around and zipped the bag up behind us.

I just wanted to say goodbye and thanks for the tickets, seeing as this was the first time you guys preformed together like really together, together it was better than I've ever dreamed your concert was amazing. Then her dad started singing. Then he came out when he heard us talking about him. And she was so excited to see him. Now that we were happy Mile wanted us to take that happy and take it to the suitcase. Why aren't you still performing she asked him.

But to uncle Robby his old dog stopped howling a long time ago and now he manages us. Don't you miss singing? Maybe a little he admitted. Wow must've taken something huge to make you walk away from your career like that? She wondered. Yeah, it did these days I'm all about managing Hannah and Sabrina. Just the way I like it. He told us. Well girls lets get going we've got a plane to catch.

I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was the person that was holding Robbie Ray back. She told us, which didn't make us feel good and even made us feel a little guilty. Well girls it was nice meeting you she said smiling at us again. I hope you girls enjoyed your stay at the Tipton Hotel. As soon as she skipped out Miley and I were sad that we now thought about us holding him back from singing again.

Well not for long. She said and I hated when she got an idea which could potentially backfire on us. But we were upset that it was our fault. Miley's first and now with my dad never in the picture and my mom dying and I moved into their house family now I had just piled on top of that as I felt an unpleasant feeling churning in the pit of my stomach. When we got back to the beach house Lily was over and we (outfit 46)got out an old box of stuff and saw one of his records.

Miley pulled out a T-shirt with his face on it. It's called a mullet. Business in the front party in the back. I finished after her. Before your guys dad was a dad he was cool before my dad was a dad he was an accountant. Lily told us. No, Lil you got it all wrong. I shake my head. As far as the officials are concerned I'm still legally her cousin my uncle was cool before being her dad and my uncle but my dad for lack of a better word was and always has been a "deadbeat" as my mama always used to say. I haven't officially or legally been adopted as her sister yet. Even if they call me that.

You should've seen the look on his face when the girl in Boston recognized him I don't care what he says I know he misses being up on stage. Wow he even had his own doll. Lily said pulling the action figure out of the box and it talks. Jackson came down to show us a video tape about something having to do with their dad as we popped into the T.V. and watched it. Look at how much fun he's having. Miley said. I can't believe it. You two have the voice, he's awesome.... Farrah isn't legally or biologically his daughter.... She turns to Jackson so what's your talent? She asked him.

Jackson made his armpit fart and then his knees which was gross. Then uncle Robbie came down and saw what we were watching. And then Lily asked him why he wasn't still preforming. That was a long time ago. Now a days I've got my hands full watching over Miley, sir toots a lot and my niece. He taps my shoulder. Come on dad we're practically adults. If you want to go back out and howl with the dogs there's nothing holding you back. Miley starts. T: Adults? I'm almost barely 13. And Miley just turned 14.

Sweetheart that was 10 years ago he reminded her. I bet my own manager doesn't even remember my name. He says throwing his hands in the air. But I watched as a man approached our door and I looked up confused. But it was Marty Klein his old manager. And I knew she was up to something as did Robbie but I had nothing to do with it. Home alone? After just moving in barely 6 months if that have past since I came out here after my mom died and now they want him to be on the road again after we felt guilty for taking it away from him.

They talked they hugged they hugged some more. And look there's handsome young Jackson. He says high fiving him. Then going to Miley and pretty little Miley. Which means that you must be.... He reaches out to shake my hand. Their cousin Farrah. Nice to meet you. Yes Miley who I have not spoken to or had any contact with in anyway once so ever. But it was ok because he knew she had called and talked to him. Good because I'm a terrible lair. He admits.

But now he had big news for Robbie. All he had to do was say the words and something about a roadhouse out in San Diego. Being a big star. Whoa let's slow down a bit he told Marty. You walked away at the top to come home and take care of your babies. Well, they're not babies anymore. I believe he is correct father. But he still wasn't sure about this. But they were encouraging him to be on stage again. And now he had another chance.

I appreciate what you all are trying to do but.... You'll think about it fantastic Marty said not letting him finish his sentence. I wanted to jump in and disagree as well I wasn't sure how I felt about not having him here, him and Miley and Jackson are really the only family I've got left. Their grandmother wasn't mine but their aunt is it's a different side of the family. It's hard leaving everything you've ever known to come across the US and leave your home behind so fast only for now to happen and for him to be going away. Everyone was leaving me.

I didn't want him to go but I also felt guilty for adding on to the not following his dream part now that he was managing us both my mom was doing that for me. Until it was just me and whoever had been with us when my mom was in charge. I felt bad but I didn't want him to go and I didn't want to be the one to say no don't go stay I need you. I was out voted. And Marty had left before he heard anything else and Miley decided he was going to do it but Robbie had his concerns.

Even if I did get up on that stage and sing again I wouldn't even know what to say. I do. Jackson said puling the tab on his action figure. Are ya'll ready to get down and howl with the dogs? Then they all howled. When we heard him singing and playing on the porch Miley and I came out to hear him. Miley was "upset" with him for keeping this talent hidden when the world needed him so desperately. T: But what about me? I need him so desperately. But who was I to raise my opinions? He wasn't my dad he was Miley's and Jackson's and they weren't my siblings.

Did I even have that right? To say I need you here with me? Don't go? Don't live your dream? What kind of niece would I had been if I had been selfish like that? But I kept my mouth shut Robbie was listening and Miley wasn't taking no for an answer. I can't take you guys with me and I can't keep you guys home by yourselves for a week. Luckily Jackson had fixed our problem by hiring a Swedish speaking nanny to babysit us. But she didn't speak any English but Robbie appeared to speak Sweden.

But Jackson knew he wasn't going to leave us alone with just one nanny so he had hired 3 of them and they all looked exactly the same. But it just wasn't going to happen and I crossed my fingers and secretly hoped he wouldn't go. And Miley was upset with him for not getting one simple thing done. But Miley kept pushing because she knew how we felt being on stage. But up until I came here I could look into the wings and see my mom and now even though I still see my family my mom is nowhere to be seen and never will be ever again. I frown looking over at the wings now when I preform before I start but hide my frown with a smile giving a thumbs up at the rest of my family and Lola. But I still wish it was my mom smiling at me wishing me to have a good show out there cheering me on and now Robbie is leaving.

But when he put in the word but Miley got right back into his face and reminded him that saying but was just a word people use when they're afraid to try. Something I'd never been taught before but she said she had learned from him. The truth was he had made some calls but couldn't find anyone he trusted to watch us but to Miley that meant if he could find someone he would go but Robbie said it just hadn't been in the cards.

And as Miley's mysterious back up plan she had asked Roxie to come babysit us for the week. So the next day (outfit 37) he was really going and we really weren't going to be seeing him until the end of the week if we lasted that long. I didn't know Roxie very well but I knew she already drove me a little crazy. And that when we came down for the last show to wish him luck. Knock 'em dead dad. You're gonna do great. His kids told him. Marty came and was glad to see we were sharing all a good heartfelt goodbye but he needed him to get out of there because the car was running.

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