Jake I really, really like you but I don't want you to know

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Today (outfit 9) I woke up early to go have breakfast with Jake. Uncle Robby knew where I was. I wrote him a note. Not sure if even really matters anyways since he's not my dad. He's only my uncle I'm not sure if has legal rights to me even. But if that weren't so maybe Memaw would've talked to him about it and tried to get me to come home. He has a side door like we do at home so I kind of just come and go as I please. I get onto the couch and lay down onto it and resume sleeping. We didn't need to be at school for hours. I just like having a big fancy breakfast with my best friend well guy best friend. I don't really have my own friends everyone had a huge crush on Jake but he was my friend and kind my only one that didn't belong to someone else already.

Also we loved to tease each other as if we could ever be a cheese adorable couple. And not just because I'm like a year and a half or 2 younger than him. Not that age matters that's nothing compared to the caveman drawings holding hands. Anyone watch GMW? Maya and Josh? Somebody anybody? Anyways no just friends but with slightly childish friendly playful crushes like every best friend cliché at least you know on T.V. but then they usually become a real couple from pretending to be one but that's not gonna happen to us. I had a guy friend waiting back for me at TN. That I could actually see myself being with. Jake is just for fun he's my Cali guy friend. My the other side of me friends. One Country guy bestie and one pop guy bestie.

My old country life that leads me back to my roots and my new life that I come to up root after some very needed family time. Because it's barely been 6 months since she passed away. The event that pushed me to my new life or at least to my cousins. To someone who has done this before. But to a place I still wasn't sure that I belonged. I loved my cousins they were my family Sabrina and Hannah were preforming together and Farrah and Miley called each other sisters. But Jake is fun I liked having a a guy friend with no romantic relationship or intentions. Even if Miley might end up dating him. And the only secret he didn't know about was Sabrina. And I felt so guilty. But well it must run in the family because when Miley and I feel guilty we suck our thumbs. Another episode to wait for. Jake came down the stairs and started making us breakfast I think he was probably expecting me.

Jake I moaned in my sleep. He jumped and turned to me. Morning Farr's? He chuckled playfully. Then payed more attention. Sorry. I mumbled. A frown on my face. Farr's? He asked again. Hey wake up. He shoved at my shoulder. Hm? Dreaming about me? He teased. Hm? I caught what I was doing and brushed it against my side. Sorry. I brushed my hair to the side. What was that all about? It's a long story its a family thing at least with Miley and I we've done it since we were little how we express our guilt especially in our sleep. And Miley can't know you know I will never hear the end of it. I promise. Spit shake on it. I encourage. You guys have the strangest traditions. Miley told her friends they outgrew the pinkie swear and started the spit swear. And if you get sick I'll take care of you I playfully wink at him. He toppled me over. I laughed. One of these days I'm gonna find away to make that sound go as long as I want.

I'm sure my cousin will be more than happy to share it with you. Uh what is it you're feeling guilty about? He frowned at me. He pulled me back to his side an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I'm sorry Jake it's a Miley and I thing I wouldn't feel right telling you and please don't ask her she'll think I gave it away. That's ok I'm sure we both have secrets we don't know that we'll wait until the right time to tell each other should we feel the need. You're so understanding Jake I lean my head on his shoulder. Yeah, anyways ready for breakfast I made your favorite. French Toast? Yes. Covered in syrup? Yes. Fruit bowl? Yes. Green grapes strawberries blueberries pineapple? Yes. With a side of peaches on its own? Yes. A cup of chocolate chips? Yes. A glass of chocolate milk? Yep. Two hard boiled eggs with the yolk cut out the middle? Yep, yep, yep. Thank you. No problem.

Man you sure eat a lot of food. How do you stay so skinny? Well it's all mostly healthy food. Also you have to eat a good hearty breakfast back home. I love your back home traditions. Ya'll should come visit sometime I don't know when I'll be back that way but you're always more than welcome. I will take you up on that offer. But it would be much more fun if you came with me on this trip. I'm so sorry Jake that's not an option for me right now I can't go home. It hasn't been long enough also I'm not sure I will go home anytime soon or again because of.... Your mom right? Yeah. I forgot I told you about that. Come sit he pulled me to my feet. We have a long day of school today. Don't I know it. Yeah the principle is retiring and I'm in charge of collecting the tape recordings (isn't that an old fashioned sentence?) to show him since I haven't been there long I don't really know him so I think that's why I'm in charge of collecting them.

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