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Uncle Robby came down the stairs as sick as a dog. And things got worse when there was a neighbor knocked on the door. As if I didn't feel bad enough already he said walking over to talk to him. The neighbor on the other end said he was sick of his leaves falling into his pool. As he shook his leaf at him. And I'm sick of your face being in my house Robby said back. And then he coughed. And then his niece came in dressed in swim gear. Uncle Albert I wanna swim! What's taking so long?! G-D she was such a brat. Almost as bad as her uncle. And she kind of looked like a younger Luanne and just as big as a nightmare as well. I thought you said the hillbilly was scared of you?! He is look at him he's trembling. Come on I'm only here for the weekend! She shouted back at him. And you said we'd do stuff! Stop nagging! He yelled back. They went back and forth with this as Robby covered his ears with pillows. He claimed he had no idea where she got it from then scolded Robby again to get his leaves out of his pool and then they left.

Robby felt he was getting peace and quite and then Miley yelled down upset about something. Dad! She called down. It was nice while it lasted. She came down with Lily and I (outfit 87) she asked him why he wasn't dressed yet. Mile as you can see he's sick I told you he's not taking you. You should've done what I suggested and ask Jackson you know if I ask or we both ask he'll actually say yes. But I don't want to go shopping or whatever I would rather go surfing. But it turns out it was about some kind of fashion show tomorrow. Something else I also wasn't looking forward to. At least as far as I remember or know that I won't actually be in it. I think we're just watching it but we may be modeling in it. In that case I still wasn't looking forward to tomorrow.

But like I said she was talking about shopping. You promised you would take Lily and I to the mall to get dresses shoes makeup and mani pedis done. G-D sometimes I wonder if I'm really related to her. She and Jackson both can be so selfish. You did I know it I was there. Not helping Lil. I turned to her rolling my eyes feeling bad for her dad. So let's boogie. Miley said but they were disappointed when he blew his nose. It's ok dad get better feel well I'll just make Jackson take us. Then Jackson screamed no. And he kept repeating himself till he got to the living room. Saying it wasn't gonna happen. He said he and Cooper were watching the Dodgers game that day and he was breaking in his new foam finger. Miley said this is stuff we had to do and he goes to a baseball game every weekend. Ooh I'd rather go there. Can I go with you? Please please please? Please Jackson don't make me go shopping. Let me go to the baseball game or take me surfing or something anywhere but the mall. I moaned and groaned. Jackson felt this was so unfair. Because when their dad couldn't haul us around he was the one that had to do it. And this one doesn't even want to go. I miss baseball games basketball games parties and the younger one would rather be at a game than the mall. Besides I have my own life.

And I'm sick of you ruining it. He scolded Miley. And I'm as sick as a dog so both of you stop complaining. I'll get you tickets to another game. And one you and your cousin can both go to. Great what am I supposed to do with this giant foam finger? He asked. Oh I know use it to dry your wittle tears. Miley teased as we all got into the car as she pulled me behind her while I moaned the whole way there. The next day (outfit 88) was no better uncle Robby still wasn't feeling any better and didn't think he could take us the fashion show that night. She said that was fine she would just make Jackson..... Then once again he was screaming no all the way downstairs. You already ruined my Saturday you can't have my Sunday too. I happen to agree with him Mile. I don't really wanna go either. Jackson quit complaining if it weren't for us yesterday you would've been at that stupid baseball game. She said she heard on the news the team didn't have any hits. They call it a no hitter we both said in sync. She felt that was boring. Jackson heard his dad coughing and thought he sounded great that he was getting it all out there and speaking of getting out there he thought some fresh air would do him some good and that he should take us to the fashion show.

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