We only did this to spend more time with each other

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At our last concert we decided that she didn't want me to just be an opening act, that she wanted me to be part of her act, that I would sing my songs and she'd sing hers. But this time when she did her song Pumpin up the party

she wanted me to do it with her, and that was so much fun cause she had the stage set for a sleepover so her and her backup singers were all dressed in pjs having a pillow fight.

When she came off stage we had feathers in her hair. She asked Lilly what she thought and she said she thought our pjs were so cute. I meant the song she told her. Yeah that was great too especially since you got to do it together. Tomorrow I wanna go to the mall and get something cool. Oh I forgot we've got a publicity thing. What about Saturday? She asked her.

Lilly said Saturday she had a Laker game with her dad then asked about Sunday and then we got pulled away (outfit 51) Oh we can't do Sunday morning we've got costume fittings. I Reminded her. But we could do Sunday afternoon. Lilly said she had lunch with her grandparents at 3. Then we had to run back on stage. This stinks we haven't had any Miley Lilly Farrah time in so long.

I know. How about Tuesday after school? Then we got pulled away a second time (outfit 29) and said that she was trying out for cheer. Lilly and I: Cheer? You guys could try out too. Lilly and I gave each other annoyed looks. Come on girls.... We can do this, you won't regret this, we'll be together, best friends forever! She cheered. When you cheer this way I have to say ok, I started. I know you must be right, but now I've got stage fright. Lilly finished as she walked on stage with us.

Well say goodnight Lola. She encouraged. Goodnight Lola Lilly mumbled as we dragged her off stage. When we got into the limo safe and sound.... Hey Mile? Yeah? She pulled her hair out of her face turning to me. Why'd you ask me to participate in your song? Cause when I think parties and sleepovers, it makes me think of friends and sisters and biologically speaking you might be my cousin but legally you're my sister now.

Did your dad even sign the papers yet for that? IDK you'd have to ask him. But legally or not your still the best sister I've ever had. Mile you don't have any other sisters the closest thing to a sister you've got is Lilly. Flashforward the next day (outfit 47) her dad was trying to unclog the sink.

When Jackson came down and uncle Robby was about to call the plumber when he said that they make $80 an hour and Jackson said he'd fix it for 50 and since Robby was so desperate and late for a meeting he'd take him up on that offer. And as he fixed it he pulled down his pants a little and got right to it. He said that's how he thought a real plumber would do it.

And when he thought he fixed it and turned the garbage disposal on it spit up in his face. And then I came down and saw he was mess. And tried not to laugh. He turned when he heard muffled laughter. Oh hey little sister. I turned my head to see if Miley was behind me. She's not down here Jackson. He lifted an eyebrow at me, and I frowned. You met me? He nodded his head. Do you see anyone else here?

I walked into the kitchen grabbed a towel and gave it to him. Thanks, he said taking it. You tryin' to unclog that pipe? Na, I've got a face of broccoli caesural cause it's my new face mask moisturizer. He rolled his eyes. Anyways speaking of your sister she's getting her pom, poms ready for when Lilly comes over and is gonna teach us the pride cheer. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

You don't wanna try out? He teased. No way! Those short skirts, short shorts, girly perfection. Feh. Well good luck. Gee thanks. When Lilly came over we sat on the couch while Miley showed us her moves and the pride cheer. Then she asked Lilly to show her what she got, and when Lilly failed Miley wanted her to take it seriously so that we could all be spending time together like we were supposed to be.

When she taught us the bit we had to learn for the tryouts keeping up was easy for me, not that I wanted to but I did, and Lilly fell face first over the cheer in our living room and that's about the same time Robby and Jackson came in. Later with a new pair of clothes Jackson tried working on the sink again. And singing terribly to Pumpin up the party and Oliver walked into the house.

He wanted to know where we were and when we'd back but Jackson didn't know or care and told him not to count on him telling us he stopped by. And Jackson was snaking up the pipes and something came unplugged. When Jackson turned the water on it sprayed water all over Oliver drenching him. And when Jackson wanted to know why these things keep happening to him Oliver wanted to know the same thing about himself.

After school the next day (outfit 45) we watched all the other girls try out for cheer. We watched Amber or was it Ashley? Fail at their tryout and then she called Stewart and Miley and I both looked up. Both: Yes? That's me. I have Miley then Farrah. But if you two want to go together it will speed this up for me. So we did. But, like Lilly I wasn't doing very well and then tried something different.

See Lilly and I should've gone together instead because she's been teaching me some skateboard stunts and all I had to do was do those stunts without my skateboard. And then Lilly went after me, all 3 of them were impressed and Lilly was last, she tried the cheer Miley had taught us, but it didn't go well, then she did something similar to what I did and again we were all shocked and impressed.

Farrah? Lilly? Where did that come from? Miley asked us. Lil's been teaching me some stunts to do my skateboard and we just did them all but without it. The coach told us to put our skateboards away and grab a uniform because we were on the squad and then she made Miley the Mascot, which she was not happy about.

And during practice the next day Oliver was also there practicing to be the MC for the game. After Miley's pep talk with the coach and it not going well Lilly and I came over and told her the we were glad she talked us into it because we were actually having fun. Speak for yourself I crossed my arms at her. I just want you to know you are the only person I would ever do this for. I told the girls. But at least we're back to Miley, Lilly, Farrah time.

After practice Oliver came in with the Pirate head and tried to talk to Jackson but he was kind of busy. But Jackson didn't know nor care about what Oliver had to say. Well, how about this one? Oliver started, despite that your sisters are good at what they're doing, and I mean Farrah is a really good cheerleader but they couldn't be more miserable, Lilly is the only having fun.

Jackson frowns. That I do care about Jackson wiped his hands on the towel. Now, watch this. Oliver ducked behind a chair before he could be sprayed on again, and turned the water on, and it came out the way it was supposed to, then he tried the garbage disposable. And everything seemed like it was fine until they heard yelling from the shower and the food got switched to the water pipes upstairs and Robby now had food all over his head.

When Miley and I (outfit 4) came home and she was upset that the head followed her back home. And the next day we tried the whole thing again except at the game we were losing, and it was so bad. And it got so much worse when Amber and Ashly came over and pushed her into the soundboard and wrecked it and then the mascot from the other team stated to fight with her and the cheerleaders all got in the middle of it and got knocked down.

But just before that or maybe even after that she got pulled to the side and got fired and the ironic part of it was her coach said some people just weren't meant to preform in front of crowds and then Lilly and I came out to see if she was ok. Miley wanted to leave and so did I that if she was fired then I was gonna quit not that I was having much fun anyways but Lilly was staying and then they got into an argument about why we started this in the first place.

At the house a plumber came over to fix it once and for all but then told Jackson that he saved the place that they were one flush away to flooding the place and that he had the plumbers gift, that he held the place together before he got there. And by the time the game was finally over Lilly could talk but we couldn't we (outfit 31)Hannah and Sabrina.... Had backstage passes for a Stones concert.

Then we saw her limping and offered her ice. Lilly said she was gonna quit we told her not to do that because just like how she stands by the wings at one of our concerts we wanted to be there to support her when she cheers, since its not like we could stop being Hannah and Sabrina, but sometimes we can, cheer might have not been the best way to have Farrah, Miley, Lilly time but we'd find something else to do together instead for now we'd skip the Stones concert and go to the mall with Lilly knowing they'd be throwing concerts until they were in their 90s.

And here's the song the title was named after

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