I'm gonna tell everybody

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Today (outfit 23) Miley Oliver Lily and I were all sitting around in the living room listening to a great new song. Too bad that when the song was over Miley asked him what the bad news was. What are you talking about that was a great song? Lily asked. I was also confused just as much. Thank you girls I knew there was a reason why I liked you. He smiled at us. You don't get it Lily for every great song he writes for Hannah Montana the worse the news. Best of Both Worlds I got braces. This is the Life Jackson decided not to go away to sleepaway camp. Pumpin' up the Party my goldfish died. When my goldfish died my mom flushed him down the toilet I'll never forget her comforting words. Get over it Oliver its a stickin' fish! That explains so much Lily said back to him.

Really dad I can take it trust me. Miley begged. But this sounded so familiar now what was it what was it? Your cousin Louanne's comin' to visit. Now who wants pie? Miley was shocked and frozen that way. Oh that's right Lucas did say that she might be coming I think. He said we had to watch out for her. Miley? Lily waved her hand in front of her face. Mile? Robby did the same. Come on darlin' don't forget that wonderful wonderful song I just wrote for ya. Then he started singing it again she put her hand on the guitar and stopped him. When does her broomstick land? Miley asked. What kind of pie? Oliver asked him. He walked into the kitchen. Come on girls she's not that bad remember who pulled you out of that well you were 6? Let's not forget who me. Oh yeah when I was still at home she once was helping me make a blueberry pie she me something that was poisonous Lucas didn't leave my side for two weeks while took care of me.

Not that he ever did ever since ya'll met. Miley teased. Until I came to you guys. We've never been this far away for so long from each other. Before he came to visit. Still I can't believe he's known my secret longer than you have Mile. Anyways that was an accident her dad cut us off. Sometimes kids do things without thinking. As if to prove it Oliver was swatting at a fly when it landed on his shirt and got his pie all over his shirt. Stupid fly! See that wasn't planned but it proved my point. If you're making me share a bathroom with the princess of darkness I'm sleeping over at Lilly's. Come on Mile you guys have grown. You've grown she's grown you're just alike now. How can you say that I'm anything like that ugly witch?! The doorbell rings and there on the other side of the door was Luanne she looked just like Miley but in her farm get up. And two think she was just in time for Halloween.

Howdy cous' yee doggies this sure is one hum dinger of shack she greets us as thunder and lightning flash and sound above her head. Looks like it was time for us all to pretend to be on our best behavior. We now all sit in the living room watching as she hands uncle Robby a box of Halloween cookies and sat down on the couch with us. She seemed so excited. The boys all reached in to get a cookie Miley and I knew better. But Jackson and I were both impressed that she at least churned her own butter as if there was any other way. And of course Luanne agreed. That was one thing I liked churning my own butter to make cookies but I'd never eat anything Luanne made we could sick for like months. Whatever you do don't eat that Miley warns. Why not? Lilly asks. Because it was made by the devil's little helper. I tease. Lilly pretends to fall over and die making fun of us.

No Lilly we're serious. Yeah right next thing you both will be telling me is that she sees dead people. But Oliver was thrilled. You know its amazing how much you and Miley look exactly alike he said to her. When we were younger Miley was in a pageant and Luanne said Miley was nervous and got all barfy so she took her place instead but the reason why Miley was all sick was because she gave her bad catfish and so instead of singing because Luanne is a terrible singer and did pig calls instead. Uncle Robby teared up when she did her pig calls missing things back in Tennessee. I hugged my arms around myself a frown on my face. I missed Tennessee too but nothing was there for me anywhere. She cooks she calls pigs where have you been all my life? Oliver asks her sitting down by her. Oh you she laughs snorting with her laughter as she pushes him off the couch. Didn't you guys have a pig named Luanne? Lilly asked us. Yep and now you know why Miley tells her.

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