With great power comes great responsibility or something like that

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Today (outfit 39)Lily Miley and I were sitting at our computers in the kitchen checking the Sabrina and Hannah emails from fans. It is so cool how many people email Hannah Montana and Sabrina Allison. Lily tells us. Yeah, listen to these.... "Dear Hannah you rock!" "Dear Sabrina you are too amazing and too talented to just be an opener for Hannah you should have more of your own concerts." You know you really should. Miley tells me.

IDK Mile you're much more famous than I am, more people know of you then they know of me. Let's keep reading Lily suggested. Good idea. "Dear Hannah you're awesome." "Dear Sabrina when you preform with Hannah you two are so good together you should do that more often." You know they're right you should I like preforming with you.

"Dear Sabrina and Hannah.... Hannah get your bra of the shower rod and Sabrina you and Hannah preform well together you should make that a full time thing the fans love you together." He touched it now I have to burn it Miley tells us getting up to get rid of it. But he does have a point I love when we preform together and so do our fans we should make it full time thing, and our fans agree.

"Dear Hannah I love, love, love that scarf you wore at the video awards. Where, where, where can I get one?" Lily reads. Oh yeah, well listen to this one "Dear Hannah I have this massive crush on a boy who doesn't know I exist. His locker is 3 down from mine. What should I do? You're biggest fan Becca from Malibu." Becca from Malibu? After thinking about it they decide it's probably the Becca from their homeroom as they count down three from each side of her. Landing on Oliver finding out that she has a crush on Oliver.

And in addition to their amazement even though I think Oliver is cute in that best friend brother way and sweet and I think they shouldn't pick on him so much she uses the Hannah email to give her advice which I knew rom the start that somehow would blow up in our faces. "Dear Becca if he won't ask you out you ask him. Rock his world! Sincerely Hannah Montana."

Totally happy with herself she thought she was totally making the world a better for love as she put it. Hey Miles my robe fell into the toilet so I barrowed yours. Hope you don't mind, I would've barrowed Farrah's but hers is too small. Great he touched that and now I have to burn that too. She complained. And then we put our plan in action the next day at school (outfit 35) as we watched her turn to Oliver and check him out.

Definitely interested. Lily agreed. And then we watched her spray herself with perfume, as she did a perfume walk by. First you see her then you smell her. I smiled at the two. Just like our uncle Earl. Miley reminded me. Ahem, she coughed as she came back by his locker. But she went unnoticed as she slammed her locker in frustration and Oliver walked away from his.

But then she turned around and asked him about some kind of History assignment she told him she forgot to write it down. No, I didn't he tells her as he also tells her that their teacher keeps it written on the board so that she could go back and write it down herself. But after that fail Miley walks over to Oliver and pulls him away and smacks his arm. What's wrong with you? She asks him.

Ow what did I do? He asked her. Couldn't you tell that Becca was totally hitting on you? Don't blame him for this one Mile guys are oblivious but some girls can be just the same. I mean if a guy had acted that way around me I'd never even know it. When he was surprised Lily smacked his other arm. Ow! He whined again. When he asked about grilled cheese they both smacked him and I cringed as he held his arms in pain.

What she means is.... Look Oliver even though I'm not in the same grade as you guys I know that a girl like her is obviously an A student and she would've clearly knew what the history assignment was. Then why did she ask me and please don't hit me again?! He told them, as I pulled him out of the way. Thanks he turned to me. Because she's crushing on you, Miley tried to state as obvious as possible.

Listen to me, and I'm gonna make this real simple Lily told him. She like you she said to him before giving him a wide dorky smile and nodding at him. How do you know? He asks us suspiciously. We pulled him to side. Remember when we made you spit swear to never reveal either of our other I.D.s? Miley asked him. Yeah, and I had a cold right after that. He scolded her. Well start sucking down some chicken noddle soup because I've got another secret coming your way.

She spits on her hand and he does too wishing they had never out grown the pinkie swear. Oliver suck it up, on the farm we never had "pinkie swears" we always made deals, beats and promises with a good ol' fashion spit shake. She's right Miley agrees. You might be sick for a good couple of days or have to wash your mouth out with the good ol' river water since sometimes you'd make one after wrestling in the mud or in the slop feeding the pigs.... My point is through 'ell and high water we were always there for each other no matter what.

Anyways like Farrah Becca emailed Hannah Montana and said she had a massive crush on you. But he couldn't believe it and he was really happily surprised about it. When he was on board he wanted to go after her and talk to her but he came back to us and told us he forgot something. What? Miley asked him. My name. That boy doesn't have the good brains that the good lord gave a hunk of turkey jerky. I knew Lil didn't know what that meant but she nodded along the side of us both agreeing with us.

And at Rico's Oliver was bummed about what happened while Cooper and Jackson teased the poor boy trying to figure out what had gone wrong. And then after asking them if that had ever happened to them uncle Robby came jogging up. He told him that Miley told him what happened and he told Oliver there was nothing for him to be embarrassed about. You wanna know how I got my first date? He asked him.

I walked right up to her looked her straight in the eye and said "My Robby name is hi." Before he winked doing the finger guns and he told Oliver it had worked like a charm. He also told him that to women it didn't matter to us what they said but it mattered that they at least had the guts to say something. You just be yourself partner he patted Oliver on the back.

After Oliver left Rico showed up, an asked for chicken wings and since they didn't have chicken wings Rico pulled the my dad owns blah, blah, blah and wanted his son to be happy and then frowned and asked him if he looked happy and that he wanted to sell chicken wings. Ok Rico what kind of chicken wings do you want? Jackson asked him. Mild, medium or spicy? I'd say medium but then I couldn't say spicy. He said getting spit on his face.

And the next day at  school (outfit 8) Miley and Lily and I were trying to help Oliver land his date with Becca. There just messy enough to say I'm wild but I can be tamed. She told him fluffy his hair and then Lily smelled his breath and instead of spraying mouth spray in his mouth she sprayed perfume but at least his breath was nicer. You got this Oliver I said giving my moral support patting his back. Go get 'er.

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