Why can't I remember the words?!

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Today (outfit 6)at school since theatre is a grade neutral class we got to all be in class together as we got together and did trust exercises. Miley with Lily and Oliver and I and when we were done our teacher told us we were ready to act. This would be easy. I'm good at acting. Have lots of experience in addition to being Sabrina.

But the secret to acting is reacting. Then he scared Oliver into my arms and he reacted without thinking. See he didn't think he just reacted. Didn't you? I try not to sir. He told him. Up you go Oliver I muttered pushing him up off of me. You're a little heavy I mumbled. Sorry he apologized going bac up.

He started saying something about us living in the moment then stopped and tried to scare Miley and I. Nice try darlin' but I've wrestled pigs back on the farm at home and Miley has an older brother nothing scares us. Then he tried again and scared Lily. Next we went into the mirror exercise and we got back into our partners.

He told us that next week we'd be doing scenes from Romeo and Juliet. I LOVE Romeo and Juliet! Or have I not expressed that enough from other fan fictions?! Anyways.... We were gonna have to pick our partners for the scene and Miley wanted anyone but Oliver because he was always monkeying around and she needed a good grade.

So do I but if neither of us picks him nobody will. Farrah just might you never know. You wanna push him onto her? Spare her would you? What are you talking about? Farrah is great at acting, and she can do anything especially be partners with Oliver. Here I'll compromise. I pick Henry! Lily says.

No fair! Miley pulls her away, he went to Shakespeare camp 3 summers in a row. Why do you think I picked him? You know what? I don't care, this doesn't mean I PICK OLIVER! You pick Oliver? Our teacher asked her. Bold choice especially considering you're going to have to kiss him. He told her and she screamed. Ha got ya!

But at home when he came over they had been practicing for 2 hours and now he was pretending to do the make out bit with himself. While Miley complained. It's ok Mile I put hand on her shoulder. Now that we're a group of 3 because we had an odd number of students in class I can be your stunt double and kiss him for ya. I shrug.

Why would you do that for me? Because he's my friend and it would be a whole lot better than kissin' a pig durin' mating season. Ooh I DON'T miss that back at home. Miley told me. Oliver we've be practicing for over 2 hours and we're still on the first page it didn't take Shakespeare that long to write the play! Miley scolded him. I'm guessing you don't want me to correct you then Mile.

Fine just give a second to get into character. Why me she mouthed to me so that Oliver wouldn't hear her. He turned around and grabbed fruit and pretended to be a fruit fly. I laughed she didn't she didn't think he was taking it very seriously but it wasn't Oliver's fault he was probably just nervous.

You know what I'm just gonna email our teacher and ask for another partner. Mile there are no more partners if there were we wouldn't be a group of 3. Please Miley.... He stopped her. I'm sorry I'm just nervous. Nervous about what? Looking stupid and messing up. He told her. Hey guess what? She told him. Been there done that!

At least when I'm joking around they're laughing because I want them to be. Come on Oliver. Miley encouraged. Nobody's gonna laugh at you. She reminded him. Trust me this has been going on forever. He told us. And then we went into a flashback.

In it, it was presidents day and he was trying to give a speech as Abraham Lincoln but got nervous forgot his lines and became a fruit fly. And then Miley tried to help him by telling him she always gets nervous as Hannah Montana that the second she hears she has to preform her stomach gets all tied up in knots.

And then uncle Robby came in and told her she would be singing the national anthem at the Lakers game tomorrow. And she got all excited and then turned to Oliver to say she was actually very nervous. Shaking like a leaf but nice try Mile but Oliver wasn't buying it.

So I don't get nervous I'm Hannah Montana for crying out loud I'm not a normal kid. Then her dad said he remembered doing the R&J scene we were gonna do in class and he said it had been the darkest day of his life when Miley was hoping he'd say everything was fine.

But the only reason it turned out ok was because he started cracking jokes. See even your dad gets freaked over having to do Shakespeare. But he didn't have us. We're your friends Oliver and we're not going to let you fall on your face. Meanwhile on the beach Rico was acting all hyper asking Jackson for his special candy box but Jackson didn't want to give him the candy because he'd already had too much and thought he should slow down.

Rico said his father was lying and Jackson said his dad gave him $100 to keep the bag of candy away from Rico. Rico was convinced that there was no place on Earth that Jackson would hide it that he couldn't find it and then Jackson started eating it instead. But then Jackson came home all hyper asking about dinner.

And he was acting crazy and his dad didn't think it was a good idea for him to be eating all that candy and then he ran away saying he could stop whenever he wanted to and Miley and I came down to the kitchen. And turns out after Miley got Oliver to take it seriously he turned out to be seriously terrible. And Robby thought that maybe we should try taking a break.

But while Miley was talking about how she was gonna get a bad grade because of Oliver he came in and heard what she had said about him. And then she said something about how he was our friend and not bailing on friends she said he was like the Titanic and she had to jump ship before she went down with him. Uh Mile iceberg behind ya. He told her.

Oliver was upset she was going to bail on him and he left. And she couldn't understand why Oliver was so nervous about this whole thing. And now that she felt guilty now that we were at the Laker game she was trying to sing the national Anthem and messed up on the words and forgot them and turned herself into a fruit fly trying to crack jokes.

Well we knew what knew what would be on the news the next morning but for now she was singing Oliver's lines for the scene. Everyone booed at her and threw things at her and it was a disaster. In the morning that followed Jackson was drinking maple syrup for breakfast and then started drinking out of a straw.

And Lily came over to see how Miley was doing. And he said that it was noon and still in her room and I was trying to help comfort her. But then she came down with me still in her pjs and thought what happened last night was just a bad dream but sadly it wasn't. And that was bad.

But Lily wouldn't play along and go with it if she had we could pretend it never even happened except it was all over the news. Robby told her that when we preformed on top Rockers no one would even remember that she missed up the national anthem. And we hoped he was right.

Top Rockers? Daddy I can't preform on top Rockers that's a live T.V. show what if I mess up again?! Miley what's wrong with you you've never had stage fright before?! Lily asked her. But Miley was worried about everyone laughing at her again. And her dad told her that wasn't going to happen again and we could only hope he was right.

And to make things worse the way she was feeling was how Oliver felt and it made her feel guilty because she bailed on him as Lily likes to point out to add to the emotional pain. Thanks Lily. But what if I forget the words to one of my songs or I forget to put on my costume then I'd be singing in my underwear? That would quite a show. Lily nods at her.

Not helping Lil. I reminded her. Anyways Mile that's not gonna happen and if it does I'm going on just before you and I'll still have my mic on and I can come on stage and help you if that happens. How did I get so lucky to have you as my sister? She asked me hugging me. I love you too Mile but that's not gonna happen.

Then Jackson came in covered in honey holding a bee hive in his hands running from bees eating their honey. When Lily went to the beach to convince Oliver to come to the show tonight to help Miley and support her Lily told how bad she felt and didn't want him to bail on her even though that's exactly what she did to him but now she knew how he felt now.

And at Rico's Jackson was playing with chocolate bunnies before eating them like a monster and this really had to stop he was going crazy. Worse than Rico was in the beginning. And Rico watched as he made a huge fool out of himself. But Jackson was convinced he was perfectly fine then ate ice cream off the ground.

And then he had a dream that he was fat and covered in candy and he couldn't get out of his chair to go after Rico and two pretty girls because he was too fat. That's when he realized he needed help. He woke up glad he was himself again and threw away the rest of the candy and ran away and didn't look back.

At the concert (outfit 13)I was finishing up my part of the show while Miley was sweating through her wig still freaking out. Your sister and I have all the faith in the world for you. Then he went to the camera guy and told him that if nothing comes out of her mouth then cut to commercial then told her no worries with a thumbs up.

Lily came in as Lola with cue cards just in case she forgot the words then told her to get a grip when she thought she'd forget how to read and then she did forget her own words when Lily started saying them to her. You know that's really great advice. Miley told her. What advice? She asked. Those are the words to your song!

Just remember keep your eyes on me and your sister is standing in the wings when she gets off the stage we are here for you. What song is that? That's not the song that was the advice. Oh boy. Then she looked out and saw Oliver. Wondering what he was doing there. That made her that much more nervous Lily said he was there to support her she said he was there to probably laugh at her.

But we weren't gonna let anything bad happen to her and if it did we wouldn't let anything bad happen to her on her own we've got her back. She was supposed to be singing this is the life while Lily was in the audience holding up the words as I stood in the wings watching her until things started going down disaster lane. And she couldn't remember the words but then Oliver started up singing with her and I came out and grabbed her hand and sang with her too as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder hugging her.

And then she when everyone started singing with us she didn't need the note cards anymore and everything was just fine. And she was so happy to see Oliver there supporting her even though she hadn't been a very good friend to him in the beginning. But they got through it. And the show went on with no more problems or interruptions.

You know I had a rough patch earlier in the show and even bigger rough patch earlier this week and I learned something I should've known all along. Good friends don't bail on you. All of us: We love you Hannah! We yelled from the audience. I love you too she said back to us. I love you all goodnight everybody. At home Jackson was trying to get over his chocolate eating sugar problem but even when he was over it now the bunnies were still haunting him.

And then class came. And they were the last ones to go and Oliver was worried that he'd mess up again and forget his lines but luckily in the scene we changed it to she wouldn't have to kiss him and all Oliver had to do was die. But then he was all melodramatic about the whole thing and wouldn't stop dying and then the bell rang and everyone left. Oliver again longer than it took for him to write the play! Miley scolded.

But at least now they were done with it for good. I don't think you guys need to hear the national anthem. Do you? Because I think its obvious that this episode is named after that song and we should all know it so I won't post it.

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