Chapter One

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Rain slammed against the glass, wind howled around the building, a storm had rolled in that afternoon and now as the sun began to set the storm unleashed itself at full force. Y/N leaned back in their office chair, her feet resting on her desk as she flicked through the file that was balanced on her lap. She had arrived back from her last assignment only a few hours ago and already the deputy director had another one lined up for her. 

It didn't bother Y/N though, she preferred to busy and the more successful assignments she wracked up then the better position she'd be in to get promoted. Y/N was already a highly regarded special agent and her superiors had a close eye on her for progression, so far though they had just told her to keep doing what she's doing. 

Y/N reached out and picked up the whiskey glass from her desk, taking a sip of it she flicked over the cover of the file and immediately sat up when she saw the first page. Right there on that first page was a series of headshot photos, each one of them was a member of the Avengers. 

The next page was a detailed document from the deputy director informing Y/N that her assignment was to work with and to assist the Avengers in dealing with the increasing Hydra threat. She was to relocate to the Avengers compound in New York as soon as possible to begin, she was also expected to link in with SHIELD whilst working there. 

"The Avengers" Y/N muttered to herself before taking another sip of the whiskey. 

There wasn't anyone in the world who didn't know who the Avengers were and what they had done to protect the world. Since the whole Thanos thing and the reverse of the blip things in terms out alien threats had been pretty quiet. However during the chaos of the blip and then it switching back, that had given plenty of terrorist organisations and criminal gangs time to regroup and start causing havoc again. 

The most recent issue was Hydra and it's growing power and the boldness in which they were acting in. Y/N had been part of a team earlier that year who had uncovered multiple Hydra agents and put them in a number of high security prisons. Since then the FBI had been on pretty high alert, along with a number of the other agencies. 

A light knock on her office door, made Y/N close the file and look up as the Deputy Director appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in his usual tailored black suit, white shirt and a black tie. Y/N often wondered if he actually owned any normal clothes, or if his entire wardrobe was just multiple copies of this outfit. 

"Evening Deputy Director Hanson. Sorry I was just reading the file you had left for me" Y/N stood up and gestured fro him to come in and sit. 

"Oh no I won't sit this will be quick. I originally planned to have you leave at the end of the week, however now I need you to go to New York first thing tomorrow morning. So gather what you need tonight and the jet will be waiting for you in the morning. Good Luck Agent Monroe" Hanson said with a slightly apologetic look on his face before then excusing himself and leaving. 

"So much for getting to enjoy sleeping in my own bed for a week" Y/N sighed as she began to gather up her stuff, slipping the file into her bag, she'd read through it on the plan and get herself up to speed with the many members of the Avengers. 


The news channels coverage of the Avengers compound really did not do it justice. The place was a sprawling complex that was spread across multiple acres of land, that apparently even included it's own lake within it. It came into view properly as Y/N turned her car into the start of the long gravel driveway that led to main building of the compound. 

Even the FBI training academy wasn't this size, Y/N was fairly certain this place rivalled some of the most state of the art military facilities. Guess that's what happens when you have a billionaire funding everything, you get all the good stuff. 

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