Chapter Twenty-Six

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Bucky had taken the device that Bruce and Tony had made from Bruce the moment the fighting had broken out. Bruce has gone Hulk mode and there was no way he was going to be able to prep and get the device where it needed to be whilst he was fighting as Hulk. So it had ended up in Bucky's arms after Sam and tossed it to him. 

The instructions that Bruce had run through with them both whilst they had been breaking into the facility had seemed pretty simple. Turn the switches to the left and then press the button on the side, but the key part was the device had to be in range of the machine otherwise it wouldn't make the connection and reverse whatever science nonsense was going on. Bucky had admittedly switched off when Tony and Bruce had gone into all the technical talk. 

Reaching the machine, that would have been simple if it wasn't for the outright carnage that had broken out. The building was half collapsed from the entrance Wanda had made into it and now with the Avengers coming in, the fighting was escalating. A fire had started at some point and was now snaking its way through the facility. 

It forced Bucky to go up, there was no way he could clear the floor of the facility with the fallen debris and various fights that were happening. So he used his vibranium arm to pull himself up onto some kind of walkway, that was hanging across the warehouse, it was clearly meant to be there as some sort of viewing platform so that Hydra could watch their machine. 

As he hauled himself up onto it, Bucky glanced around, thankfully it looked like any Hydra agents that had been up here had been cleared off. He did however notice one person half collapsed against the railings, tilting his head he realised who it was from the photos that had been shown back at the compound to everyone before leaving. It was Alex Von Strucker and from the looks of things he had taken quite a beating. 

"That'll teach you to pick a fight with an ancient chaos magic witch" Bucky said as he stepped over Von Strucker. 

The sound of footsteps on the stairs had Bucky drop down into a crouch, drawing his gun ready to take out any agents that might be attempting to come to their bosses aid. A few seconds slipped by and then Bucky felt a sense of relief when he saw that it was Wanda and she had Y/N with her. At least something good had happened, since this plan was so far a total nightmare. 

Bucky hoped though that Wanda wasn't going to turn on him, he knew that things must have gone bad when Strange and the others had confronted her outside, otherwise things wouldn't be how they were right now. 

"Don't take it personally Wanda, but I gotta ask, we good?" Bucky called out to her, his gun still aimed, he wasn't going to take the risk of being unarmed just yet. 

Wanda stopped a good few steps away from where Bucky was, she let Y/N grip onto the railing of the walkway to hold herself up. Y/N was struggling, Wanda could see it from the way her body was shaking from exhaustion, she needed to get Y/N somewhere safe and soon. 

"We're good" Wanda nodded at Bucky, "Y/N is fading and we need to get her out of here and somewhere that can help her." 

"Yeah the getting out of here part is going to be tricky" Bucky frowned deeply as he looked around at the growing flames and falling debris, the entire building was becoming a death trap and right in the centre of it that swirling mass of reality warping energy was getting out of control as it lashed out grabbing more Hydra agents. 

"What's that?" Wanda asked taking a couple of steps toward Bucky, she glanced back to make sure Y/N was still upright, before looking back at what Bucky was holding. 

"Tony and Bruce made it. It's meant to shutdown the machine. Which we need to get done quick, before that thing tries to drag us all into whatever hell is on the other side of it" Bucky explained ot her as he set it down on the floor, "Can you like magic it the heck over to it or something? I don't really fancy getting closer, but the flashing red light is indicating we aren't close enough from here for it to be effective." 

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