Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hours After The Hydra Incident

Y/N had felt like she had been falling for a lifetime, though at times it felt like she was being pulled sideways before then falling down further and further. She didn't know what she had expected when she had leapt from the walkway with the device, being alive though, that wasn't what Y/N had thought would be a possibility. 

Suddenly as if whatever she was travelling through realised she was there, and no longer wanted her falling, Y/N found herself slamming into solid ground. With a groan of pain, Y/N rolled onto her side, her eyes struggling to adjust to the sudden bright sunlight. Staying here wherever here was, was probably a bad idea and Y/N knew she needed to get up and start moving but her body was struggling to catch up with what it had been through. 

The sound of voices and approaching footsteps had Y/N forcing herself onto her knees, she reached to her left thigh, that was where her FBI issue firearm should have been but of course it was no longer there. It had been taken from her by Hydra when they had captured her. Y/N did notice though that her cellphone was still in the front pocket of her jeans.

Her eyes had adjusted enough that Y/N was able to take in her surroundings, she could have sworn she was on central park, but as familiar as it was it also felt different. The voices and footsteps were closer now and Y/N barely made it to her feet before a group broke through the line of trees on her left. 

Y/N's jaw dropped a little in surprise when she saw who was standing there. 

"Sharon?" Y/N said looking at the blonde woman opposite her and then at Steve Rogers and Maria Hill who stood either side of Sharon. 

"How is this possible?" Maria asked Steve a frown on her face, "Do you think she's a Skrull, pretending to be Y/N?" 

"I'm not an alien" Y/N snapped defensively, confused as to why Maria would even suggest that, they had known one another years after all. 

"Kind of sounds like something a Skrull would say" Steve replied as he studied Y/N, "You're right though this can't be possible."  

"Is this some sort of joke? Because after everything with Hydra and my brother I'm really not in the mood for this" Y/N said her patience starting to wear thin, "I'm Y/N Monroe, why do you keep saying it's not possible for me to be me?" 

There was silence for a moment as the three of them exchanged glances. 

"Because Y/N Monroe died five years ago, fighting Thanos. That's why it's not possible" Sharon answered finally. 

Y/N felt like she had taken a blow to the stomach as she struggled to process what Sharon had said to her. It wasn't right, none of this was right. Her heart started to race and her hands trembled, sweat glistened across her brow and she struggled to steady her breathing. It had been a long time since Y/N had suffered from a panic attack, but now it was impossible to avoid. 

The last thing Y/N saw before she passed out was Sharon reaching out to grab her as she fell toward the ground. 


Three Months Later

Walking through Stark Tower, Y/N politely smiled at the people she passed whose names escaped her but she was sure most of them were Shield agents or members of Tony's science team that had an entire three floors of the tower to themselves. 

Y/N had the layout of the Tower committed to memory, since it had been the only place she had been allowed for the last three months. It had taken a week from her arrival for them to believe she was who she said she was and to understand the explanation of how she had ended up here.

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