Chapter Four

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Y/N had gotten to the conference room an hour before the time Steve had set the team meeting for, she wanted to make sure that everything was set up in there and that each of the avengers had a file ready for them on the table. Hopefully this would be the start of them taking her assignment here seriously. 

Hearing approaching footsteps and voices, Y/N took a deep breath and readied herself for the massive amount of egos that were about to fill the room. Natasha Romanoff was the first to enter and she gave Y/N a polite smile before moving to take a seat, behind her was Yelena, Clint, Kate and then Wanda who barely acknowledged that Y/N was standing right there. 

Y/N figured she should be grateful at the lack of interest but she couldn't help but be slightly irritated by it. First Wanda had come to her in that office and made a big deal out of changing her mind, to the point she had almost been smug about it, like she wanted the challenge and now she was coming in here acting like Y/N didn't exist. Talk about being hot and cold, Y/N thought to herself as she moved to stand at the head of the table. 

A few moments later, Steve arrived with Tony, Vision, Rhodey and Bucky.

"The Agent is standing in my spot" Tony muttered to Steve who have him a warning look to behave, before they took their seats. 

"Sam sends his apologies for not being able to make it but he had to go and deal with a family situation. I said I would catch him up on everything once he's back" Steve explained to Y/N, offering her a small smile as their eyes met. 

"Understood, I'd be happy to speak with him if he has any questions" Y/N nodded, she smiled back slightly before remembering she had a room full of people watching her. 

Steve cleared his throat as if realising as well that the others were looking at him and folded his arms over his chest and acted like the file in front of him was suddenly very interesting. He ignored the stupid grin that Bucky was giving him from across the table. 

"Okay so it the files in front of you I have organised the intelligence that we have on a number of Hydra cells that were linked the individual agents we uncovered in the US government and military" Y/N began to explain, "It's mine and the FBI's belief that if we can track down these cells and shut them down, we'll be able to flush out the person who is orchestrating the..."

Y/N was cut off from finishing her sentence by the conference room door being opened. Everyone twisted round in their chairs to see who the new arrival was, there were a few confused faces as they saw who it was. 

"Sorry I'm late, the traffic through downtown was a nightmare. I should have requested a helicopter to get here" Sharon Carter breezed in, completely unbothered by the fact she had interrupted what was going on. 

"What are you doing here?!" Steve and Y/N both spoke at the same time, which again had everyone turning in their chairs and looking back at them, the confusion on the team's faces growing. 

Sharon on the other hand looked slightly amused by the situation, as her blue eyes settled on Steve and Y/N. 

"Wait, you two know each other?" Steve asked slightly confused, as he pointed between Y/N and Sharon. 

Y/N clenched her jaw slightly, the was honestly the last thing that she needed right now. As if dealing with the Avengers, Wanda and this assignment wasn't already pushing her limits of patience she was now stood there with Sharon Carter. 

"We do know each other, don't we Y/N, darling" Sharon nodded, "Y/N is my ex-fiancé." 

There were some audible mutterings of surprise around the table at the announcement and the casualness with which Sharon had addressed the matter. Steve looked like someone had slapped him as he leant back in his chair. 

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