Chapter Twelve

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Yelena considered tackling Wanda, but knew it was probably a terrible idea and there was no way Wanda wouldn't see it coming. So instead Yelena just kept walking with her friend as she made her way toward the gym.

"Wands can you at least promise me that you're not going to pull a Vision on Y/N, cause that would be really bad y'know" Yelena said as they made their way down the stairs, she looked around to see if any of the others were about but it seemed like everyone was busy with stuff.

Wanda sighed and stopped walking for a moment, turning to look at Yelena. She had easily sensed how worried Yelena was and how her thoughts had gone to thinking about ways to try and stop her and also hoping that Nat would turn up to sort this out.

"I have no plans to hurt Y/N. Like I told you I owe her a thank you for saving my life that's all, okay?" Wanda told Yelena, before starting to walk again.

"I'm just trying to look out for you that's all Wanda" Yelena said as they reached the gym.

Wanda gave a small nod before she pushed the set of doors open and stepped inside the gym, just as Y/N and Steve were getting up from where they had been sitting on a bench together. The pair of them looked a little bit surprised when they saw Wanda walking in, Yelena following behind a slightly apologetic look on her face.

"Out" Wanda looked directly at Steve, her expression leaving no room for argument as she came to a stop.

"It's okay Steve" Y/N assured him as she saw the hesitation in his eyes, "We'll be fine."

Steve didn't like it, not after how unpredictable Wanda had been lately, but he grabbed his gym bag from the bench and started walking toward the door. He knew that whatever was going on between Y/N and Wanda needed to be sorted out, so for now he'd give Wanda the chance to talk it out with Y/N.

"I'll be just down the hallway" Steve told Wanda, a subtle warning that he would intervene if things went south.

Wanda held his stare for a moment before she let let her attention drift back to Y/N, who was standing with her arms crossed in the centre of the room.

"You sure we should just leave them?" Yelena asked Steve as he met her at the door.

"Do you want to go against Wanda and end up 60 foot beneath the foundations of the compound like Vis?" Steve countered as he held the door open.

"Yeah fair point" Yelena agreed as she stepped out, taking a last glance back at Wanda and Y/N, she really hoped Wanda could keep her cool in there.

Wanda waited for a few moments, until she was sure that both Steve and Yelena had left, before she finally spoke to Y/N.

"Why did you do it?" Wanda asked as she took a few steps toward Y/N.

"Why did I do what?" Y/N frowned not entirely sure what Wanda was talking about.

"You came back, you came to the abandoned factory and then you stopped that agent before they could shoot me. You put yourself in danger for me. Why would you do that Y/N? When you could have let me get shot and be rid of someone you deem to be a threat" Wanda looked at Y/N confusion swirling in her eyes, "I don't understand you, Y/N. One moment you act like you absolutely hate me, then the next you tell me that I deserve better than you, which suggests that I'm not the only one with feelings in this situation."

Y/N hadn't expected to be confronted by Wanda today, she had stupidly thought she could avoid seeing her here. Part of her had thought that Wanda wouldn't want to have anything to do with her, especially after that moment in the hospital. Y/N had convinced herself these last two weeks that she had made the right choice. That trying again with Sharon was the best thing to do, but stood here now she didn't know, it felt like her heart was being pulled in two different directions.

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